60 Savage Comebacks For When Someone Calls You An Idiot 

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Sometimes, people just can’t resist calling you an idiot, and honestly, it’s usually more about them than you. 

Instead of letting it get to you, why not hit back with a clever comeback that shuts them down and gives everyone a good laugh? 

A great response can flip the script, leaving them speechless while you walk away feeling like a champ.

This article is packed with funny, sharp, and savage comebacks specifically for when someone calls you an idiot. 

They’re quick, witty, and perfect for keeping your cool while making your point. 

Next time someone tries to throw that tired insult your way, you’ll be ready with a response that leaves them wondering what just happened!

Best Comebacks For When Someone Calls You An Idiot

1. “If I’m an idiot, what does that make you for talking to me?”

2. “Wow, it must take one to know one!”

3. “I’d argue with you, but I don’t argue with experts on their own level.”

4. “If I’m an idiot, at least I’m not loud about it.”

5. “Coming from you, that feels like a compliment.”

6. “I may be an idiot, but at least I’m not the one stating the obvious.”

7. “Oh no, I’ve been called an idiot by someone who just proved my point.”

8. “Thanks for the feedback. I’ll file it under ‘things I don’t care about.’”

9. “If I’m an idiot, you’re the professor teaching the class.”

10. “Funny how the loudest voices are often the least intelligent.”

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11. “Being called an idiot by you feels like winning an unimportant award.”

12. “If I’m an idiot, I’d hate to know what that makes you.”

13. “Wow, your vocabulary is really expanding today.”

14. “Don’t worry, your opinion wasn’t needed anyway.”

15. “Oh no, the person who doesn’t matter thinks I’m an idiot!”

16. “You calling me an idiot is like a fish critiquing a bird’s flying skills.”

17. “If I’m the idiot, why are you still trying to keep up with me?”

18. “At least I have an excuse for acting like an idiot—what’s yours?”

19. “You’re calling me an idiot? Bold move for someone using crayons in the big leagues.”

20. “The real idiot is the one trying so hard to insult someone who doesn’t care.”

21. “Oh, I must’ve taken lessons from you!”

22. “If I’m an idiot, you must be the instructor.”

23. “That’s rich coming from someone who can’t even spell ‘idiot’ properly.”

24. “You calling me an idiot is like a squirrel critiquing a lion.”

25. “I’d respond, but I don’t debate with amateurs.”

26. “If I’m an idiot, then what does that make the person trying to argue with me?”

27. “Please, tell me more about how qualified you are to make that judgment.”

28. “It’s amazing how you noticed—must be all that time staring at a mirror.”

29. “I’d call you something back, but I don’t want to stoop to your level.”

30. “Says the person who couldn’t win an argument with a doorknob.”

31. “Wow, groundbreaking insult. Did you think of that all by yourself?”

See also  68 Sarcastic Replies For When Someone Ignores You

32. “Calling me an idiot doesn’t make you smarter—it just makes you louder.”

33. “You must really like me if I’m living in your head this much.”

34. “If I’m an idiot, what does that make the person wasting time calling me one?”

35. “Your originality is breathtaking. Truly, I’m floored.”

36. “Is that your best insult? Must’ve taken you all day.”

37. “At least I don’t waste my intelligence on pointless arguments.”

38. “You’ve got a PhD in pointing out the obvious—congratulations!”

39. “Did you practice that line in the mirror before saying it?”

40. “That’s a bold statement for someone whose opinions hold zero weight.”

41. “If you’re trying to hurt my feelings, you’ll need to aim higher.”

42. “You’ve clearly spent too much time on amateur insults.”

43. “I’d call you something clever, but I don’t want to confuse you.”

44. “Says the person who thought insulting me would actually work.”

45. “I see you’re working on your comedy routine. Keep practicing!”

46. “If I’m an idiot, you’re the one making me look like a genius.”

47. “It’s cute how you think this affects me.”

48. “Ah, the classic insult—do you have anything original, or is that it?”

49. “If brains were currency, you’d still be in debt.”

50. “You must’ve Googled that insult because it’s about as basic as they come.”

51. “Is this the best way you could spend your time? Really?”

52. “I could explain why you’re wrong, but you wouldn’t understand anyway.”

53. “That’s hilarious! Do you write your own material?”

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54. “I’d ask you to elaborate, but I know that’s beyond your capabilities.”

55. “Calling me an idiot is the smartest thing you’ve done all day.”

56. “At least I’m memorable enough for you to insult.”

57. “You really came all this way just to embarrass yourself? Impressive.”

58. “You calling me an idiot is like a pot calling the kettle shiny.”

59. “Thanks for your opinion—remind me not to ask for it next time.”

60. “If you think I’m an idiot, then why are you so obsessed with me?”

These comebacks are sharper, funnier, and guaranteed to leave them speechless! 😊

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