The Wisdom of Sadhguru In 100 Amazing Quotes 

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Sadhguru, a globally renowned spiritual leader and visionary, has a way of blending ancient wisdom with modern practicality. 

His words resonate deeply because they don’t just stay in the realm of spirituality—they speak to the heart of everyday life. 

With his unique insights, Sadhguru inspires millions to live more consciously and embrace life fully.

This collection of Sadhguru’s quotes captures the essence of his teachings. They touch on everything from inner peace and personal growth to navigating life’s challenges with grace. 

Each quote is a spark of wisdom that can guide you toward a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. 

Wise Quotes By Sadhguru

1. “Do not try to fix whatever comes in your life. Fix yourself in such a way that whatever comes, you will be fine.”

2. “The sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. Idiots are always dead sure about every damn thing they are doing in their life.”

3. “If you resist change, you resist life.”

4. “Your thoughts and emotions are the drama in your mind. You must have the discretion to create the kind of drama you enjoy.”

5. “The more you know about yourself, the more clarity there is. Self-knowledge has no end—you don’t come to an achievement; you simply come to an understanding.”

6. “Love is not something you do; love is the way you are.”

7. “If you live joyfully until this moment, you lived successfully.”

8. “Confidence and stupidity are a very dangerous combination, but they generally go together.”

9. “Don’t be dead serious about your life—it’s just a play.”

10. “If you have the right kind of eyes, everything is an opportunity.”

11. “Every moment, there are a million miracles happening around you. Be open to them.”

12. “When you do not know how to handle yourself, how will you handle the world?”

13. “The fear is simply because you are not living with life; you are living in your mind.”

14. “You cannot suffer the past or future because they do not exist. What you are suffering is your memory and your imagination.”

15. “When pain, misery, or anger happen, it is time to look within you, not around you.”

16. “If you think 100% logically, there is really no possibility of life.”

17. “Being with people who are very different from you can make you grow immensely.”

18. “Responsibility simply means your ability to respond.”

19. “Once your life is an expression of your blissfulness, you will not be in conflict with anyone.”

20. “When you are very happy, you are not aware of time. Happiness makes life timeless.”

21. “If you learn to simply sit here and experience life, the whole existence becomes a celebration.”

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22. “Spirituality does not mean any particular practice. It is a certain way of being.”

23. “A human being is like a seed. Either you can keep it as it is or make it grow into a wonderful tree with flowers and fruits.”

24. “People who have no patience for the simple process of life, for them, enlightenment will be like climbing Mount Everest with a 200-pound backpack.”

25. “You do not have to pursue something intensely; you as a life are capable of generating that which you want.”

26. “To be human means you can mold situations you are placed in the way you want them.”

27. “If your energies are ecstatic, your sensory body expands. If it is depressive, your sensory body contracts.”

28. “Your body and your mind will work best only when you are joyful and peaceful.”

29. “Yoga means to experience everything as a part of yourself.”

30. “This moment is eternity. If you experience it, you will know what it means to live.”

31. “If you are willing, you can transform every moment of your life into a joyful celebration.”

32. “What you need to learn is to use your body and mind, not be used by them.”

33. “The planet is not in peril. It is human life that is in peril.”

34. “When you absolutely have no intention of harming anyone, people will respond to you in ways you never imagined.”

35. “A human being is not a resource; a human being is a possibility.”

36. “Do not wait for inspiration to do something. Start doing and inspiration will come.”

37. “Most of your desires are not really about yourself. You just picked them up from your social surroundings.”

38. “If you do not know how to enjoy your own company, why inflict it on others?”

39. “Only when you are absolutely devoted to what you do, can you produce something significant in the world.”

40. “Your ability to love, to reach out, and to experience life is limitless. The limitation is only in your mind.”

41. “The source of life is within you. If you remain in touch with that, everything about you will be beautiful.”

42. “If you know how to manage your inner world, the outside world will cease to matter.”

43. “Learning to listen is the essence of intelligent living.”

44. “If you do not do what you cannot do, that’s not a problem. If you do not do what you can do, that’s a tragedy.”

45. “The whole effort of spirituality is to break the boundaries you have drawn for yourself and experience the vastness that you are.”

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46. “Life happens from within. How aware you are will determine how well you live.”

47. “If your mind becomes still, your intelligence explodes.”

48. “You should not decide your life based on the opinions of those who do not know your inner world.”

49. “Success is not about being better than someone else. It’s about being better than you used to be.”

50. “To live and experience life fully, the simplest way is to become all-inclusive.”

51. “What kind of clothes you wear, what you eat, and where you live are not the basis of your life. Your experience of life is the basis of your life.”

52. “If you look at everything as an opportunity, life becomes very beautiful.”

53. “If you really want to live, stop trying to fix life. Instead, enhance the life process.”

54. “Freedom is not about controlling others. It is about being in control of yourself.”

55. “A joyful person is not someone in a certain kind of situation. A joyful person is someone who has a certain kind of chemistry.”

56. “Whatever happens to you is not the issue. What you make out of it is.”

57. “If you keep the garbage of your past alive in your mind, you cannot move forward.”

58. “To live means to constantly explore. If you are alive, life is an exploration.”

59. “The quality of your life is determined by how peaceful and joyous you are within yourself.”

60. “Only when your experience of life transcends the limitations of the physical, you are living life in its full depth and dimension.”

61. “Transformation happens not because you demand it, but because you allow it.”

62. “Every breath you take is an opportunity to be alive and to transform.”

63. “If you resist the natural process of life, you will suffer. If you accept it, you will be liberated.”

64. “When you learn to use your mind as a tool, it will serve you well. If it becomes your master, it will destroy you.”

65. “Life does not need a purpose. Life is a purpose in itself.”

66. “Every moment is a doorway to transformation if you are willing to walk through it.”

67. “Your ability to connect with life is determined by the level of awareness you bring to each moment.”

68. “When you stop identifying with the body and mind, you begin to experience the vastness of who you truly are.”

69. “Being spiritual is not about becoming something; it is about discovering yourself.”

70. “Happiness is not a pursuit. It is the essence of who you are when you live in alignment with life.”

71. “What you are seeking is not in the outer world. It is within you.”

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72. “The moment you realize you are not the mind, freedom begins.”

73. “Do not live by logic alone; logic is only useful to navigate the material world.”

74. “Life is not in the activity you do; life is in the vibrance with which you do it.”

75. “When you approach life with gratitude, every moment becomes a blessing.”

76. “Your past is a story you tell yourself. Your future is a vision you create.”

77. “You are not a mess. You are just a life under construction.”

78. “A mind that is focused and calm is sharper than the sharpest tool.”

79. “Don’t treat life as a problem to be solved. Treat it as a phenomenon to be experienced.”

80. “Life is not happening to you; it is responding to you.”

81. “When you realize that nothing is permanent, you will embrace life’s flow with ease.”

82. “Your ability to enjoy life depends on how deeply you engage with it.”

83. “The more you are in tune with life, the more magical it becomes.”

84. “Do not limit yourself to the identity of your body or mind. You are far greater than that.”

85. “Every action you take can either liberate you or entangle you further. Choose wisely.”

86. “To live fully means to embrace both joy and sorrow with equal grace.”

87. “If you carry the burdens of yesterday into today, you lose the gift of the present moment.”

88. “Stillness is the highest level of intensity a human being can experience.”

89. “When you expand your perception of life, small problems will no longer seem overwhelming.”

90. “Every step you take with awareness is a step toward liberation.”

91. “The most beautiful moments in life are moments when you are expressing your joy, not when you are seeking it.”

92. “You cannot empower someone else; you can only inspire them to empower themselves.”

93. “When you live without resistance to the flow of life, you find peace within.”

94. “Success is not about being better than someone else; it is about being better than you were yesterday.”

95. “Your experience of life is determined by how open and receptive you are to it.”

96. “The foundation of true freedom is the ability to see life as it is, without distortion.”

97. “The moment you stop attaching yourself to outcomes, you find true freedom.”

98. “Joy is not something you seek—it is something you create from within.”

99. “Spirituality is not about fixing yourself; it’s about realizing there is nothing to fix.”

100. “When you make a conscious choice to live fully, every moment becomes extraordinary.”

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