10 People You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

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8. The longest hair in the world

According to the Guinness book of the world record, Nilansha Patel has the longest hair in the world with a length of 187.96 cm. When she leaves the house, she wears a braid or pins her hair at the back of her head to avoid it dragging on the ground as she walks. 

As you would expect, Nilansha doesn’t handle taking care of her hair by herself, and she doesn’t go out for hair care either. Her mother helps her wash it, dries her hair for half an hour then combs it for another hour. 

7. Zion Clark, Born without legs

Zion was born without legs, yet he became an excellent fighter. Without legs, he fights with professional athletes and oftentimes comes out on top. 

When Zion was born, his parents abandoned him because he didn’t have legs. He passed from one foster family to another and couldn’t find a place for himself in life. 

But one day, a coach in his school invited him to try his hand at wrestling. Zion quickly realized that he loved wrestling, and after some time, he also became good at it. 

Zion went on to become a state champion in wheelchair racing and went to college. 

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