If you love what we do at Attraction Diary and you think you have something valuable to share, we are more than happy to help you get your word out. 

Do you have an interesting experience you would like to share? Or is it a unique take on a topic you find fascinating? Feel free to get in touch and share your words with us. 

Just a few things to bear in mind first

1. We only publish articles related to relationships, self-help, and wellness. We don’t mind if it’s your opinion or it’s a personal experience you want to share. All we want is for you to have an interesting take on the idea you’re sharing. 

2. We want to help our readers grow. Hence, any article you submit to us must have a clear lesson attached to it. If it’s a personal experience, there must be a clear message at the end, telling your readers the message you want to pass across to them. 

3. Only submit Google Docs files. They are much easier to review and publish. And make sure you grant user access to edit before submitting. Word target is anywhere between 800 to 1500 words. 

4. We do not pay our guest writers. If you think you have what it takes to be part of our staff writers, contact us and discuss your offer. 

Ready to submit your article? Here are a few more things to bear in mind: 

1. Send your draft to us at contact@growthlodge.com. Along with it should contain a short author bio, a picture you’ll like us to use for your bio, and your email address. 

2. Feel free to include links in your bio. These could be links to an ebook, a social media page, or your website. But your links shouldn’t be more than two. 

Thank you for your interest in writing for us. We are always open to new insights and ideas. Feel free to contact us through this link if you need information. Thank you.