35 Good Comebacks For When Someone Makes Fun Of You

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Ever been in a situation where someone decides to make you the punchline of their joke? It’s not a great feeling, but it happens to the best of us. 

Sometimes, people think it’s fun to poke fun at others. Maybe they’re just joking around, or perhaps they’re trying to be a bit mean. 

Either way, you don’t have to stand there and take it. Having a good comeback can not only put a stop to the teasing but also give you a boost of confidence.

But remember, the idea isn’t to be mean or get into a fight. It’s more about standing up for yourself in a smart and funny way. 

Good comebacks are like a verbal judo—you’re using the other person’s momentum to flip the situation around. It’s about being clever, not cruel. 

That said, here’s a list of some savage, clever, and funny comebacks you can use when someone makes fun of you. 

Savage Comebacks For When Someone Makes Fun Of You

1. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you’re an expert on my life.” – Assert your independence; nobody knows you better than yourself.

2. “I was today years old when I realized I don’t care what you think.” – It’s a revelation that their thoughts are your least concern.

3. “Wow, the garbage can is jealous of all that trash coming out of your mouth.” – Reminding them to keep the environment clean, words included.

4. “Are you always this rude, or did I just catch you on a really bad century?” – Time flies when you’re not being nice.

5. “Beauty is skin deep, but ugly is to the bone.” – A reminder that looks fade, but personality endures.

6. “I’d explain it to you, but I left my English-to-nonsense dictionary at home.” – When their logic is so flawed it needs its own dictionary.

7. “I envy everyone you have never met.” – Meeting them is, apparently, not a pleasure.

8. “I’d give you a nasty look but you’ve already got one.” – Because some looks don’t need any more additions.

9. “I’m not a proctologist, but I know an asshole when I see one.” – A medical diagnosis they didn’t ask for.

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Good Comebacks For When Someone Makes Fun Of You

Good Comebacks For When Someone Makes Fun Of You

10. “Don’t let your mind wander; it’s too small to be out on its own.” – A wandering mind should always know its way back home.

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11″I’d insult you, but nature did a better job.” – Sometimes, you just can’t improve on the original.

12. “Did you hear that? It was the sound of my interest in your opinion leaving the room.” – Interest has its own sound, apparently.

13. “I’d tell you to go outside and play hide and seek, but you’re so irrelevant it’s like you’re already hiding.” – Invisibility can be a state of irrelevance.

14. “I would say you’re barking up the wrong tree, but that would imply you can climb trees.” – A comment on both strategic errors and athletic ability.

15. “I don’t know what makes you so stupid, but it really works.” – An acknowledgment of effectiveness, if not intelligence.

16. “You’re like the end pieces of a loaf of bread. Everyone touches you, but nobody wants you.” – An unfortunate fate for the unchosen.

17. “If you’re going to be two-faced, at least make one of them pretty.” – A beauty tip with a twist.

18. “If you’re waiting for me to care about your opinion of me, I hope you brought something to eat, because it’s going to be a really long time.” – A humorous way to express disinterest.

19. “I don’t remember ordering a glass of your opinion.” – Reminding them that their thoughts were unsolicited.

20. “I’d say you’re acting like a tool, but that would imply you’re useful in some way.” – A dual commentary on behavior and utility.

[Read: 20 Best Comebacks For Someone Giving You Silent Treatment]

Clever Comebacks For When Someone Makes Fun Of You

21. “I’d explain it to you, but I don’t have any puppets or crayons.” – When you think visuals might be the only way they’d understand.

22. “It’s impossible to underestimate you.” – Suggesting they’ve set the bar low enough already.

23. “I’m not a mirror, but I’m happy to reflect how ridiculous you sound.” – A smart way to show that their words are a reflection of their own foolishness.

24. “You should come with closed captions. That way, I could at least understand the nonsense.” – A wish for clarity amidst their gibberish.

25. “Oh, you’re laughing at me? Well, it’s nice to see you having a good time at your own expense.” – Turning their mockery into self-mockery.

See also  How To Insult A Selfish Person: 50 Comebacks 

26. “You’re like a plunger, always bringing up old shit.” – A colorful metaphor for someone who keeps revisiting past insults.

Funny Comebacks For When Someone Makes Fun Of You

27. “I’d educate you, but I left my puppet and crayons at home.” – Implying their comprehension needs simple aids.

28. “I don’t engage in mental combat with the unarmed.” – Insinuating they’re not equipped for a battle of wits.

29. “The only thing more pathetic than your joke is expecting me to laugh at it.” – A straightforward jab at their failed attempt at humor.

30. “You’re not exactly the best at anything, but you’re great at being irrelevant.” – Pointing out that they do not matter in the grand scheme of things.

31. “Shock me, say something intelligent.” – Challenging them to surpass the low expectations you have for their wit.

33. “You’re like Monday mornings, nobody likes you.” – A comparison to something universally dreaded.

34. “You’re the reason God created the middle finger.” – A humorous suggestion that they inspire rudeness.

35. “If I wanted a bitch, I’d have bought a dog.” – An aggressive comeback for someone who is being particularly nasty.

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How to Respond When Someone Makes Fun of You

How to Respond When Someone Makes Fun of You

1. Stay Calm and Don’t Overreact

When someone throws a jab your way, keep your cool. Blowing up or getting upset is exactly what they’re hoping for. By staying calm, you take away their power. 

Keeping your cool shows that their words don’t affect you, and often, that alone is enough to make them stop.

2. Use Humor to Deflect the Joke

Laughter is a great way to respond to someone who’s making fun of you. It shows you don’t take yourself too seriously and you’re in on the joke. 

When you laugh along, it’s like telling them, “Is that the best you’ve got?” It turns the situation from a potential conflict into just another laugh. And who knows, you might actually find some common ground through humor.

3. Throw Them Off With a Compliment

It might sound strange, but try throwing a compliment their way. It’s unexpected and can throw the person making fun of you off their game. 

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For instance, if they make fun of your outfit, tell them you like their style and you’re just trying to keep up. It’s disarming and can quickly diffuse a situation that might otherwise become uncomfortable.

This approach is like doing a magic trick. They expect one reaction from you, but you pull out something completely different. It changes the entire dynamic. 

Instead of responding with anger or a hurtful remark, you’re spreading positivity. It’s hard for someone to continue making fun of you when you’re being nice to them. 

Plus, it can make you feel good too, being kind instead of stooping to their level.

4. Agree and Amplify

Agreeing with someone who makes fun of you and then exaggerating it can take the wind out of their sails. 

Say they poke fun at you for being a bookworm. You can respond with something like, “You’re right, I’m such a bookworm I’m practically a library.” 

It shows you’re not embarrassed about who you are, and it can often make the other person laugh, which can stop the teasing in its tracks.

When you use this technique, you take their momentum and use it against them. They’re expecting you to be embarrassed, but when you embrace it and go even bigger, they end up with nothing to say. 

It’s a powerful way to own who you are and show that their words don’t define you.

5. Question Their Intent

When you’re faced with someone making fun of you, a simple question can be a powerful tool. 

Ask them, “Why would you say that?” or “What did you mean by that?” It puts the spotlight on them and makes them think about their words. 

Sometimes people don’t realize their words are hurtful, and your question can be a gentle nudge for them to consider the impact of their jokes.

Asking a question is like holding up a mirror – suddenly, they have to look at themselves and their actions. This isn’t about being confrontational; it’s about seeking understanding. 

More often than not, they won’t have a good answer, and it’ll make them think twice before making fun of someone again. It’s a way of subtly teaching them a lesson without resorting to insults.

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