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Lying to a friend, cheating in a game, bending the rules at work – we’ve all seen such things happen. Maybe we’ve even done some of these things ourselves. 

But have you ever stopped and asked, “Why do people do these things? Why do some folks lie or cheat?” It’s easy to say they’re just bad people, but is it that simple?

You see, our minds are a bit like icebergs. What we see on the surface – our actions – is just a tiny part of the whole picture. 

Beneath the surface, there’s a whole world of thoughts, feelings, and experiences that shape what we do. That’s where the answers lie.

In this article, we’re going to dive deep into that underwater part of the iceberg. We’ll explore the psychology – the thoughts and feelings – that lead people to cheat or lie. 

The Thrill of Risk-Taking

Taking risks can induce a thrilling, adrenaline-pumping rush. Some people get drawn to that excitement, and they keep going back for more. This applies to cheating and lying too.

There’s an element of danger that surrounds these actions. The possibility of being caught could lead to damaging consequences. 

For a certain subset of people, it’s precisely this potential for fallout that is thrilling. They feel invigorated, more alive. 

Cheating and lying require a person to tap into their deceptive abilities, requiring quick thinking and on-the-spot decision making. This in itself is an aspect of risk-taking. 

Individuals who lie or cheat often get a sense of accomplishment from getting away with it, further feeding their desire for risk.

The Desire for Power and Control

Psychology behind cheating and lying

When we lie or cheat, we manipulate reality to fit our desires. This gives us a sense of power and control over the situation and, by extension, over others.

Let’s say a person lied about their qualifications during a job interview. 

If they get the job based on those false qualifications, they have effectively manipulated the hiring manager’s perception and decision-making process. In this sense, they’ve gained power and control over the situation.

On a broader level, people who routinely lie and cheat might feel a sense of power because they are manipulating others’ perception of reality. 

They are puppeteers pulling the strings, dictating the course of events based on their whims. 

The Fear of Consequences

Sometimes, people lie or cheat to avoid negative consequences. They might think that the truth will lead to punishment or loss, so they twist it to their advantage.

Consider a student who cheats on a test because they didn’t study enough. 

They fear the consequences of failing – disappointment from parents, teachers, or peers, and the potential for academic repercussions. They see cheating as a lesser evil than dealing with these consequences.

Similarly, people might lie to avoid conflict. If someone thinks the truth might hurt someone’s feelings or create tension, they might decide to lie to keep the peace. 

It’s a common scenario that occurs in relationships, families, and friendships.

Self-Esteem and Validation

The psychology behind lying

In many cases, people who frequently lie or cheat have low self-esteem. They may feel that their genuine self or their honest efforts are not enough to gain approval or recognition.

To compensate for this, they might resort to dishonest behavior. Cheating can give them a sense of accomplishment while lying can paint them in a light that they believe is more favorable.

It’s important to note that this is an unstable source of validation. The person’s real issues of self-worth remain unaddressed, and they are building their self-esteem on a shaky foundation of deceit.

The Justification of Dishonest Behavior

People have an innate need to view themselves as good and moral individuals. When they lie or cheat, they are usually aware, at some level, that their actions are wrong.

To maintain their self-image, they engage in a process called rationalization. This involves creating justifications or excuses for their dishonest behavior. 

They might say things like “Everyone else is doing it”, or “I had no other choice”.

In essence, they are trying to align their actions with their moral standards. This helps them avoid feelings of guilt or discomfort that arise from their dishonest behavior.

The Impact of Environment

Cheating and lying aren’t just the product of individual psychology. They are also influenced by the environment and the social norms within it.

In an environment where dishonest behavior is accepted or even encouraged, individuals are more likely to cheat or lie. 

For instance, if a student is in a class where many students cheat and the teacher turns a blind eye, they might feel that it’s okay to do the same.

The same goes for lying. If people are surrounded by individuals who frequently lie, they might adopt the same behavior. It’s a classic case of ‘monkey see, monkey do’.

The Impact of Personal Beliefs and Moral Flexibility

When people cheat and lie (psychology)

Beliefs play a significant role in people’s decision to engage in dishonest behavior. Some people have more flexible morals and ethical standards, making it easier for them to justify cheating or lying.

These individuals may view honesty as a more ‘relative’ concept rather than an absolute one. They may believe that lying is acceptable under certain circumstances. 

For example, someone might think it’s alright to lie if it helps them get ahead, or if it protects someone else’s feelings.

On the other hand, cheating might be seen as a necessary evil, a competitive strategy in a cutthroat world. 

Lack of Empathy

Those who frequently lie or cheat often show a disregard for the feelings or well-being of others. This lack of empathy enables them to deceive others without feeling a significant amount of remorse.

When a person lies or cheats, they’re primarily focusing on their own benefits. They are ignoring the potential harm their actions can cause to others. 

Without a strong sense of empathy, they can disconnect from the emotional impact of their dishonesty.

Emphasizing empathy and fostering it can be a significant step towards reducing dishonest behaviors. 

After all, understanding and caring about the feelings of others often serve as an obstacle against actions that can cause harm.

Need for Attention and Recognition

What is they psychology behind lying?

This ties in somewhat with self-esteem and validation, but it’s more about being in the spotlight. People might resort to lying or cheating to gain attention, to stand out, or even to shock others.

Think about a person who lies about their life experiences to seem more interesting or extraordinary. Their lies might attract attention and awe from others, fulfilling their need for recognition.

Cheating, too, can be a misguided attempt to gain attention. For instance, someone might cheat to win a competition, aiming for the recognition and praise that come with success.

However, it’s essential to remember that such attention and recognition, being based on falsehoods, are temporary and often come with hefty consequences.

Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive dissonance is a state of mental discomfort that occurs when a person’s actions contradict their beliefs or values. 

When people cheat or lie, they often experience cognitive dissonance because, deep down, they know they’re acting against their principles.

However, instead of aligning their actions with their values, which would mean stopping the dishonest behavior, they often adjust their beliefs to match their actions. 

They convince themselves that their actions are justified, which allows them to continue lying or cheating without feeling discomfort. This self-deception only further fuels their dishonest behavior.


Why do people lie even when they know it’s wrong?

Even when people are fully aware that lying is wrong, they may still resort to dishonesty. The reasons behind this are varied and complex. 

First, there’s the human instinct to avoid unpleasant situations or consequences. If someone believes that the truth will get them into trouble or create conflict, they might choose to lie to avoid those outcomes. 

They see it as a short-term solution to dodge immediate problems, even though it might lead to bigger issues in the future.

Secondly, people sometimes lie because they want to protect their self-image. They might feel that the truth will make them look bad, or they don’t want to admit their mistakes. 

In this case, lying becomes a shield that protects their ego. It’s not the most ethical solution, but in their mind, it’s better than facing the harsh reality.

Can the environment influence someone to cheat?

Absolutely, the environment plays a significant role in shaping a person’s behavior, including their propensity to cheat. 

If an individual is in a setting where dishonest behaviors like cheating are normalized or even encouraged, they are more likely to cheat themselves. 

This could be a classroom where other students frequently cheat, a workplace where colleagues cut corners, or a social circle where bending the rules is seen as acceptable.

The desire to fit in and be accepted can also influence someone to cheat. If cheating is seen as a way to succeed or be accepted within their environment, individuals might feel pressured to do the same. 

How can understanding the psychology behind cheating and lying be helpful?

Understanding the psychology behind cheating and lying isn’t about excusing or justifying dishonest behavior. Rather, it’s about developing a deeper understanding of why people do what they do. 

This understanding can be particularly useful in different settings.

In an educational context, teachers who understand why students might cheat can create environments that discourage such behavior and promote honesty. 

In a therapeutic setting, psychologists can use this knowledge to address the root causes of dishonest behavior and help individuals develop healthier coping mechanisms. 

Even in our personal lives, understanding these underlying motivations can help us approach situations of dishonesty with more empathy and insight, promoting more honest communication.

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Destiny Femi

Destiny Femi is a dating coach whose work has helped transform the love lives of countless people. With a writing style that is both insightful and relatable, Destiny has amassed a following of hundreds of thousands of readers who turn to him for advice on everything from finding the perfect partner to maintaining a healthy relationship. Through his articles he has inspired people around the world to become more confident, authentic, and successful in their dating life.

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