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Starting a new relationship is like opening a book that you’ve never read before. 

The first few chapters are crucial as they set the tone and help you decide whether you want to continue reading or not. 

Similarly, the early stages of dating are important because they lay down the foundation for the rest of the relationship. It’s a time filled with excitement, curiosity, and a whole lot of possibilities. 

But just like any new experience, it comes with its own set of challenges, and it’s easy to get caught up in intense emotions and make serious mistakes that can affect your reputation. 

You want to make a good impression, connect on a deeper level, and see where things could go. However, it’s also essential to stay grounded and be mindful of your actions. 

There are certain things that, when done too soon or too much, can turn the exciting journey of getting to know someone into a complicated mess. 

This is why it’s important to be aware of these common pitfalls and avoid them in the early stages of dating.

1. Don’t Overshare Personal Information

In the beginning, keep the conversation light and fun. You’re just getting to know each other, and there’s no need to dive into your deepest secrets right away. 

Sharing too much too soon can be overwhelming and might make the other person feel uncomfortable.

Be mindful of the balance in your conversation. Talking about yourself non-stop can come off as self-centered. 

Ensure you’re asking questions and showing interest in what they have to say as well. 

It’s important to get to know each other, but that doesn’t mean you have to spill your entire life story in the first few dates.

Of course, be genuine. There’s no need to hide who you are, but you also don’t need to reveal everything at once. 

Let the relationship develop naturally, and share more personal aspects of your life as you grow closer.

A good rule of thumb is to pay attention to their reactions and adjust your level of sharing accordingly. If they seem intrigued and are asking follow-up questions, you’re probably on the right track. 

But if they appear uncomfortable, it might be a good idea to steer the conversation in a lighter direction.

2. Avoid Excessive Communication

avoid these in the early stages of dating

In the early stages, give them space and avoid flooding their phone with texts and calls. You might be excited to talk to them, but constant communication can come off as clingy.

Establish a healthy communication pattern. It’s important to stay in touch and show you’re interested, but you also want to maintain a sense of mystery and give them the opportunity to miss you a bit.

Remember, everyone has their own life to live and responsibilities to take care of. 

They might not always be available to respond right away, and that’s completely okay. Don’t take it personally or jump to conclusions.

Encourage a balanced exchange. If you’ve sent a message, give them some time to respond before sending another. 

This shows that you’re interested but also respectful of their time and space.

3. Refrain from Playing Games

Playing hard to get or sending mixed signals can be confusing and frustrating. Be clear about your intentions and feelings. If you like them, don’t be afraid to show it.

Avoid creating unnecessary drama. This early in the relationship, you should be focusing on getting to know each other and enjoying your time together, not playing mind games.

Trust is crucial in any relationship, and playing games can quickly erode that trust. Show them that you’re trustworthy and straightforward, and they’ll likely respond in kind.

Games can also lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications. Being open and honest is the best way to create a strong foundation for a potential future relationship.

4. Don’t Rush the Relationship

Take your time and let things develop naturally. Rushing into things can put unnecessary pressure on both of you and might lead to a premature end to the relationship.

Enjoy the moment and the process of getting to know each other. Every relationship moves at its own pace, and it’s important to be patient.

Discussing long-term commitments or making future plans too soon can be intimidating. Focus on building a strong connection in the present, and let the future take care of itself.

Ensure that you’re both on the same page. Communication is key in any relationship, and it’s important to make sure that you both have similar expectations and are comfortable with the pace at which things are moving.

[Related: 23 Red Flags in Men You Should Avoid In Dating]

5. Don’t Ignore Red Flags

Sometimes in the excitement of meeting someone new, it’s easy to overlook things that could be potential deal-breakers down the line. Red flags are called that for a reason. 

They’re warning signs that something might not be right. Maybe they’re always on their phone during dates, or they talk negatively about their exes all the time. These are things worth paying attention to.

Trust your gut feeling about people. If something feels off, don’t just brush it aside. It’s important to be aware and considerate of your own feelings and comfort. 

The early stages of dating are a time to get to know each other. It’s perfectly okay to decide that someone isn’t a good fit for you and move on. 

6. Avoid Talking About Exes Constantly

It’s normal to have a past, and yes, that past probably includes previous relationships. However, constantly bringing up your ex can make the person you’re dating feel uncomfortable. 

They might start to wonder if you’re truly over them or if they’re just a rebound.

Keep the focus on the present and the person you’re with. There’s a whole world of things to talk about that don’t involve your ex. Explore those topics instead. 

Show interest in their life, their thoughts, and their feelings.

If they ask about your past relationships, it’s okay to give a brief and honest answer. Just don’t dwell on it or provide too many unnecessary details. 

Keep it short and then steer the conversation back to the present.

Your dating life should be about moving forward, not looking back. So, keep the ex-talk to a minimum and focus on building a new connection with the person in front of you.

7. Don’t Make Assumptions

what to avoid in the early stages of dating

Making assumptions can lead to misunderstandings and unnecessary drama. Just because they didn’t text back right away doesn’t mean they’re not interested. Maybe they’re just busy.

It’s important to communicate, even in the early stages. If you’re unsure about something, ask them directly instead of jumping to conclusions. They’ll likely appreciate your honesty.

Don’t assume you’re exclusive unless you’ve had that conversation. Everyone has different expectations when it comes to dating, and it’s important to be on the same page to avoid any future complications.

Remember, it’s early days. You’re still getting to know each other, and there’s a lot to learn. Keep an open mind and give the relationship the time and space it needs to develop.

8. Refrain from Being Overly Critical

No one is perfect, and everyone has their quirks. Being overly critical of the person you’re dating can create a negative atmosphere and may make them feel self-conscious.

Instead of focusing on their flaws, try to see their strengths. What do you like about them? What attracted you to them in the first place? 

Focusing on the positive aspects of their personality can help create a more supportive and loving relationship.

If there is something that bothers you, think about whether it’s a deal-breaker or something you can live with. Not every little annoyance needs to be voiced, especially in the early stages of dating.

9. Don’t Forget to Be Yourself

Pretending to be someone you’re not is exhausting and not sustainable in the long run. You want someone to like you for who you are, not for a version of yourself that you’ve created to impress them.

Be genuine and show your true personality. If you’re funny, let your sense of humor shine. 

If you’re nerdy, talk about your favorite books or movies. Being authentic will attract the right kind of people into your life.

Don’t compromise your values or beliefs to match theirs. It’s important to have your own opinions and be able to express them. 

A healthy relationship is made up of two individuals, not two people trying to be the same person.

Understand that it’s okay to be vulnerable. Showing your true self includes sharing your feelings and experiences. This can create a deeper connection and help build trust in the relationship.

10. Avoid Talking About Future Together Too Soon

don't do this in the early stages of dating

Talking about future plans together right at the start can feel like you’re putting the cart before the horse. 

It’s exciting to meet someone you click with, but discussing future holidays, kids, or living arrangements can be overwhelming. Let things flow naturally instead of jumping ahead.

Focus on getting to know each other in the here and now. 

There’s plenty to learn about one another’s likes, dislikes, and life stories without diving into what might happen years down the line. Enjoy the moments as they come.

Of course, it’s important to discuss your individual future goals and see if they align. But this is different from making concrete plans together when you’re just starting out. 

Keep those conversations about personal aspirations rather than shared ones for now.

Remember, building a solid foundation takes time. Ensure you have a strong base before you start planning the rest of the building. 

This way, any future plans you eventually make together will be on stable ground.

[Also Read: Early Stages Of Dating A Cancer Man: 9 Things To Expect]

11. Don’t Be Too Rigid with Expectations

Going into dating with a rigid checklist can limit your experiences. Of course, having standards is important, but being too specific can cause you to overlook great people. 

Be open to getting to know different types of people.

Instead of focusing on whether someone ticks every single box, pay attention to how they make you feel. 

Do they make you laugh? Do you feel comfortable around them? These aspects are just as important as any criteria you might have set.

Be willing to adapt and adjust your expectations as you go. Dating is a learning experience, and what you want might change as you meet more people and figure out what really matters to you.

Being too rigid can set you up for disappointment and might prevent you from meeting someone truly amazing. Keep an open mind and be willing to see where things go.

12. Don’t Neglect Other Areas of Your Life

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of a new relationship, but it’s important to maintain balance. 

Keep up with your hobbies, spend time with friends and family, and don’t neglect your responsibilities.

Maintaining your independence is crucial. It shows that you have a full life of your own, which is attractive and healthy. Plus, it gives you more to talk about when you do spend time together.

Be sure not to put all your happiness eggs in the dating basket. 

Your well-being shouldn’t depend solely on how things are going in your romantic life. Keep nurturing all areas of your life to stay happy and fulfilled.

A balanced life is a happy life. Keep up with your own interests and responsibilities, and let the relationship grow in its own time.


Navigating the early stages of dating doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By being mindful of these potential pitfalls, you’re already a step ahead. 

Focus on building a strong connection, stay true to who you are, and don’t rush the process. 

Good things take time, and being patient will pay off in the long run. So, go out there, have fun, and here’s to finding a meaningful and lasting connection!

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Anita Oge

Meet Anita, a relationship writer with a passion for helping people navigate the complexities of love and dating. With a background in information science, she has a wealth of knowledge and insight to share. Her writing is sure to leave you feeling empowered and inspired.

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