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A rebound relationship is when someone starts dating a new person pretty quickly after they’ve ended things with someone else. 

A lot of times, people jump into these relationships to help them deal with the heartache of a breakup, not necessarily because they’re into the new person they’re dating.

But the thing about rebound relationships is they often don’t last very long. They can be like those temporary patches you stick on a flat tire — they’ll get you rolling, but they’re not a permanent fix. 

That said, not every new relationship after a breakup is a rebound. Sometimes, you might find a real connection with someone new, even if it hasn’t been that long since your last relationship.

So, how can you tell if your new relationship is the real deal or just a quick fix? It’s pretty important to figure out, right? No one wants to be that “rebound” or to have their time wasted. 

Here are twelve signs you’re not a rebound. 

12 Signs You’re Not A Rebound 

Signs You’re Not A Rebound

1. Your Partner Is Open About Their Past

Your partner doesn’t shy away from discussing their previous relationships. They’re comfortable sharing the lessons they learned and how those experiences have shaped them. 

This level of openness is a good sign because it suggests they’re not hiding behind you to forget their ex.

They also don’t make constant comparisons between you and their ex-partners. 

Conversations are about the two of you and how you both can grow together, rather than a constant analysis of the past. This is a sign of genuine interest in developing something new rather than dwelling on what was.

Trust is a big factor here, and your partner trusts you enough to talk about sensitive topics. This trust didn’t just magically appear; it’s been built over time. 

They are investing in this relationship’s future, showing that they view you as more than just a temporary fix.

2. You Feel Included in Their Life

Look around; you’re not just a plus-one at events, you’re an integral part of their social circle. Friends and family know your name, and there’s a place for you at the dinner table. 

You aren’t a secret being kept on the down-low, but rather someone they’re proud to show off and integrate into their life.

Moreover, your partner makes plans with you in mind. I’m talking about those long-term plans, like vacations or concert tickets months away. This isn’t just about spontaneity; this is them showing you that you have a permanent place in their hearts.

And let’s talk about the little things — they matter too. You find your favorite snacks in their pantry, there’s an extra toothbrush in their bathroom for you. 

These small gestures indicate you’re more than just a fleeting thought; you’re a consistent consideration in their day-to-day life.

[Related: 5 Signs You May Be Forcing A Relationship That Isn’t Right For You]

3. The Emotional Connection is Deep

Your conversations travel to depths beyond surface-level talks. You dive into topics like life goals, values, and fears. This isn’t small talk; this is the real, meaty stuff that forms the foundation of a strong bond.

In moments of vulnerability, there’s comfort, not awkwardness. You find solace in each other’s company and can share those not-so-great days freely. 

Laughter is a regular soundtrack to your time together. But it’s not just about cracking jokes; it’s that genuine, warm laughter that comes from shared humor and understanding. 

This kind of connection is rare and points to a meaningful relationship.

4. Your Relationship Has Grown Gradually

Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was your relationship. You’ve taken the time to get to know each other, gradually and steadily. 

Yours isn’t a quick romance fueled by the need to fill a void; it’s more like a slowly blossoming flower.

You’ve experienced a range of activities together, from thrilling adventures to mundane errands, and each has helped you learn about each other. This varied experience shows a willingness to be involved in all aspects of life together, not just the fun bits.

Conflicts have come up, sure, but they’ve been handled with maturity. You’ve both put in the effort to navigate disagreements, showing a commitment to the relationship’s health and longevity. 

5. There’s No Rush to Label Things

You’re more focused on enjoying the moments you share rather than defining the relationship right out of the gate. Why? 

You’re confident in whatever it is that’s growing between you.

Your connection isn’t hinging on public validation or changing your relationship status on social media. Instead, you’re more invested in the quality of your interaction rather than what it looks like to the outside world.

Furthermore, there’s a mutual understanding that what you’re building is unique to the two of you. 

You’re not following some predetermined script based on societal expectations. No, you’re letting things unfold at their own pace, creating a story that’s yours and yours alone.

[Read: The 7 Levels Of Love In A Relationship]

6. Your Conversations Have Substance

Talking about the future comes naturally. You’re not stuck on yesterday; you’re chatting about what’s ahead. That’s a sign right there. 

Your partner isn’t just biding their time; they’re genuinely keen on planning ahead with you in the picture. Dreams, ambitions, the whole nine yards – they’re up for discussion.

You tackle real-world issues together. Whether it’s the budget for next month or how to handle a challenging situation at work, you’re in it together. This is teamwork, and it’s not something you typically find in a fleeting romance. 

It’s the kind of dynamic you see in partnerships built on solid ground, with an eye towards longevity.

Active listening is a big deal between you two. You’re not just waiting for your turn to speak; you’re really hearing each other. This creates a depth of understanding that transcends the superficial layers often found in rebound situations.

7. Your Partner Isn’t Obsessed About The Past Relationship

Talk of the ex is rare in your conversations. Your partner is more into discussing what movie to watch or what adventure you two should go on next. 

It’s not about what happened before; it’s about what you’re doing now and the fun stuff ahead.

Even when the past does come up, it’s not the main event. Your partner might mention an old memory or lesson learned, but then it’s back to the present. The focus remains firmly on the now, which is a breath of fresh air.

You won’t find them scrolling through old photos of their ex with a sigh. Nope, they’re more likely showing you photos of memories you’ve made together. 

8. The Relationship Feels Healthy

You two have boundaries, and that’s a great thing. There’s this mutual respect for personal space and time alone. 

Neither of you feels the need to be joined at the hip every second, which is a sign of a healthy partnership.

Disagreements? Sure, they happen. But they’re handled with care, not with the intention to win. It’s about finding common ground, not digging trenches. You’re both in it to solve, not to score points.

You cheer each other on for personal wins and are a shoulder to lean on during those down moments. You’re a team, and it feels solid, like you’ve got each other’s backs, no matter what.

9. You Feel Loved

The little things say it all. You get that text just to see how your day is going, or that back rub after a long day. It’s the kind of attention that makes you feel noticed and cared for in a special way.

Your wins are celebrated, your challenges are supported, and your flaws are accepted. 

Love isn’t just whispered at the end of a call; it’s shown in how they make room for your quirks and your needs.

And it’s not just about what they do for you, but how you feel about yourself when you’re with them. You feel stronger, happier, more ‘you’. That’s the kind of love that’s more than just a rebound fling.

10. There’s Mutual Effort in the Relationship

Your relationship isn’t a one-way street. You’re both putting in the work to make things tick. Whether it’s planning dates or working through life’s curveballs, you’re in it together.

There’s this open line where you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and feelings. You’re not left guessing how they feel or what they’re thinking because you both make it clear.

Life can be hectic, but no matter what’s going on, there’s always time made for each other. 

Even in the busiest weeks, plans are in place to ensure you both get that quality time together. This mutual dedication is a clear indicator that this relationship is built to last.

[Interesting: How to Know He Loves You Without Him Saying It]

11. Shared Values and Future Goals

You’re on the same page when it comes to the big stuff. Things like what you value in life, your beliefs, and your long-term goals. It’s not about agreeing on every little thing, but the major ones that shape your future together are in sync.

You have discussions about where you see yourselves down the line. Maybe it’s about career aspirations, family planning, or how to spend retirement. 

The point is, you’re making these blueprints together, and that says a lot about the solidity of your relationship.

And during these talks, you’re both contributing. It’s not just one person dictating the future. It’s a back-and-forth, a real dialogue. You’re building this future vision as a team, which feels incredibly grounding.

12. Intimacy Goes Beyond the Physical

Sure, the chemistry is there, but that’s not all. You’ve got this emotional closeness that can’t be faked. 

You’re tuned into each other’s feelings, sometimes without even having to say anything. That kind of intuition takes more than just a few dates to develop.

Deep talks happen often. You know about each other’s childhoods, what makes you tick, and even your weird little habits. This isn’t surface-level stuff; this is deep dive territory.

You’ve also seen each other’s not-so-glamorous sides, and that’s okay. Being sick, stressed out, or just plain grumpy – it’s all been on display. And neither of you bolted. 

That’s the real intimacy – being seen in your rawest form and feeling okay about it.


Understanding whether you’re a rebound or not comes down to how you feel in the relationship. 

If you see most of the signs we talked about, like being a priority and making real plans for the future, then you can feel more secure. 

It’s a good feeling to know that your partner is with you because they truly desire you, not because they’re trying to move on from someone else. 

Remember, a healthy relationship is built on honesty, respect, and genuine affection, not just on getting over someone else. No one deserves to be a rebound.. 

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Destiny Femi

Destiny Femi is a dating coach whose work has helped transform the love lives of countless people. With a writing style that is both insightful and relatable, Destiny has amassed a following of hundreds of thousands of readers who turn to him for advice on everything from finding the perfect partner to maintaining a healthy relationship. Through his articles he has inspired people around the world to become more confident, authentic, and successful in their dating life.

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