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After breaking up and not talking for two months, you might start wondering if your ex misses you. It’s normal to think about this, especially if you still care about them. 

You might remember the fun times you had or the special moments you shared, and it can make you curious. 

Does your ex think about those times too? Are they hoping to talk to you again, or have they moved on? 

These questions can spin around in your head, making you wish you knew what was going on in their mind.

In this article, we’re going to look at some signs that might tell you if your ex misses you after not talking for a while. It’s not always easy to figure out, but there are clues you can look for. 

Whether it’s how they act on social media, what mutual friends say, or if they try to reach out to you, these things can give you a hint. 

Signs Your Ex Doesn’t Miss You After 2 Months of No Contact 

Signs Your Ex Doesn’t Miss You After 2 Months of No Contact 

1. They’re Active on Social Media Without Mentioning You

When your ex seems to be living their best life on social media, posting frequently about all the fun things they’re doing or new people they’re hanging out with, and there’s no hint of you or indirect posts that could be about you, it’s a sign they might not be missing you. 

This isn’t about them trying to make you jealous but rather them genuinely moving on and enjoying life. 

They’re focused on creating new experiences for themselves, not dwelling on the past.

Social media can be a highlight reel, and while it’s not always the full story, a consistent pattern of positivity and engagement in new activities or with new people suggests they’re not stuck in the past. 

They’ve embraced this period of no contact as a chance to redefine their happiness without being tied to the relationship they had with you.

2. They’ve Returned Your Things Without Needing a Face-to-Face Meeting

If your ex has made an effort to return your belongings but has specifically avoided arranging a face-to-face handover, opting instead for leaving things with friends or sending them through mail, it’s a sign they’re not looking for excuses to see you. 

This action shows a level of finality; they’re closing the chapter and doing so in a way that minimally involves direct contact, which suggests they’re not holding onto feelings of longing or missing you.

This method of returning belongings is also a way for them to maintain the no contact rule, prioritizing healing and moving forward over rehashing the past or stirring up old emotions. 

It’s a clear indication they’re respecting the boundaries set by the breakup and are more focused on moving on than revisiting what was lost.

[Read: What Is The Hardest Day Of No Contact?]

3. They Haven’t Tried to Contact You

Two months is a significant amount of time, and if during this period your ex hasn’t reached out to you in any form—no texts, calls, or even attempts to connect through friends—it’s a strong indicator they’re respecting the no contact rule and possibly don’t miss you in the way you might hope. 

Avoiding any form of contact shows they’re taking the separation seriously and using the time to focus on themselves or heal without relying on your presence in their life.

Not reaching out also means they’re likely working on moving forward. People often reach out to their exes when they’re missing them or struggling to adjust to life without them. 

The absence of any attempt to reconnect can be their way of showing they’re adapting to the new normal without you, focusing on their own growth and well-being.

4. Mutual Friends Haven’t Mentioned Them Asking About You

If you share mutual friends and none of them have mentioned your ex asking about you, it could be a sign your ex isn’t missing you. 

Often, when someone is missing their ex, they’ll try to get information through mutual connections, asking how they’re doing or what they’ve been up to. 

If your friends report that your ex hasn’t brought you up in conversation, it might indicate they’re moving on and not dwelling on the relationship.

Mutual friends can be a barometer for how your ex is feeling post-breakup. 

They might not share every detail, but a complete lack of curiosity or interest in your well-being from your ex can suggest they’re not looking to rekindle anything. 

They’re likely focusing on themselves and not invested in keeping tabs on your life.

5. They’re Making Big Life Changes

When an ex starts making significant life changes, like moving to a new city, starting a new job, or picking up new hobbies that are a departure from anything you did together, it indicates they’re not just moving on; they’re reshaping their life without you in it. 

Why? This kind of transformation requires a lot of energy and focus, suggesting their attention is fully on the future, not the past. 

They’re investing in new beginnings that don’t include you, which can be a clear sign they don’t miss the relationship.

These changes can also be a form of self-reinvention, a way for them to discover who they are outside of the relationship. 

Embracing such significant shifts usually means they’re finding fulfillment and identity on their own terms, without longing for what was lost. 

It’s a process of growth that often doesn’t leave much room for missing an ex.

6. They’ve Stopped Mentioning You on Social Media

In today’s world, social media can be a diary for some, a place to share thoughts, feelings, and daily happenings. 

Hence, if your ex used to mention you or share memories of the two of you together and has completely stopped, it’s a strong indicator they’re intentionally leaving the past behind. 

This includes removing or archiving past photos with you, signaling they’re not holding onto digital reminders of the relationship.

The act of cleaning up their social media from traces of you is not just about curating their feed; it’s a deliberate step towards moving on. 

By creating a social media presence that doesn’t reflect their history with you, they’re showing the world—and perhaps reminding themselves—that they’re focusing on building a life that doesn’t revolve around the past relationship.

[Also read: 5 Signs the No-Contact Rule is Working]

7. They Show No Jealousy About You Moving On

Normally, even if an ex is trying to move on, they might show a hint of jealousy or concern if they hear you’re dating someone new or making significant life changes. 

However, when your ex seems completely unfazed or genuinely happy for you when they find out you’re seeing someone else, it’s a sign they’ve emotionally checked out from the relationship. 

Their lack of jealousy isn’t indifference; it’s a sign they truly want you to be happy, even if it’s not with them.

This reaction is often a mix of maturity and closure. They’ve accepted the end of the relationship to the point where your happiness genuinely matters to them, independent of their feelings. 

It shows a level of emotional detachment that comes from not missing the connection you once shared, indicating they’re at peace with the breakup.

8. They Encourage You to Move On

If your ex explicitly tells you to move on or suggests that you’ll find someone better suited for you, it’s not just them trying to be kind. 

It’s a clear indication they’ve moved on themselves. 

This kind of encouragement shows they’ve accepted the end of the relationship and genuinely want you to be happy, even if it means being with someone else. 

They understand both of you need to heal and find happiness separately.

This conversation is a significant step in the breakup process, marking a point of no return. 

When an ex encourages you to move on, they’re also reinforcing their own decision to do the same. 

It’s a mutual acknowledgment that the relationship is over, and it’s time for both of you to look forward, not back.

9. They Engage in New Relationships Openly

When your ex starts a new relationship and doesn’t shy away from making it public, it’s a strong indicator they’re moving forward without looking back. 

This isn’t about rebounding or trying to make you jealous; it’s about them genuinely trying to find happiness with someone else. 

Their openness about being with someone new, especially if they seem committed and serious, reflects that they’ve closed the chapter on your relationship.

The willingness to share this part of their life with friends, family, and even on social media suggests they’re not holding onto hope for reconciliation with you. 

They’re not just dipping their toes in the dating pool; they’re swimming in new waters, focusing on building a connection with someone else, which often means they don’t miss the bond they had with you.

10. They Don’t React to Your Attempts to Make Contact

turning the tables on a breadcrumber

You’ve reached out during the no-contact period, whether out of habit, longing, or curiosity, and your ex consistently doesn’t respond, or their responses are brief and indifferent, that’s a clear sign they’re distancing themselves. 

This isn’t about playing games; it’s about them setting boundaries for their own healing and moving on process. 

They’re not engaging because they’re focused on living a life that doesn’t include you as a romantic partner.

An ex’s lack of engagement with your attempts to communicate is a strong indicator they’ve accepted the breakup and are committed to moving on. 

They understand that maintaining contact can muddle feelings and hinder the healing process for both of you, signaling they don’t miss the relationship enough to jeopardize their progress.

11. They Show No Interest in Mutual Friends’ Updates About You

In situations where you share mutual friends, an ex who’s moving on won’t show much interest in updates about your life. 

If friends mention that your ex doesn’t ask about you or seem curious when your name comes up, it’s a sign they’re detaching themselves from your world. 

Their disinterest is not about animosity; rather, it’s a part of their process to heal and focus on their own life.

This behavior extends beyond polite disinterest; it’s an active choice to not engage in conversations or situations that bring you back into their emotional space. 

They’re committed to looking forward, not backward, and their lack of curiosity about your life underscores that they’re not lingering on memories of the relationship. 

They’re moving on, demonstrating through their actions—or lack thereof—that they don’t miss the connection you once shared.

How Do You Tell If Your Ex Misses You After 2 Months Of No Contact?

If your ex misses you after two months of no contact, you might notice they’re trying to get in touch with you. 

This could be through texts, calls, or even liking and commenting on your social media posts

If they’re reaching out, especially if it’s just to ask how you’re doing or to talk about something that reminded them of you, it’s a good sign they’re thinking about you a lot. 

They might also try to start conversations about good times you had together or express regret about how things ended, which shows they’re reflecting on your relationship positively.

Another way to tell is if they’re talking about you to mutual friends. If your friends mention that your ex has been asking about you or talking about you, it’s a pretty strong indicator they miss you. 

People tend to talk about what’s on their mind, and if you’re on your ex’s mind, it means you’re still important to them. 

They might also show up at places they know you’ll be, not in a creepy way, but in hopes of running into you. This kind of effort to be around you or to keep updated about your life shows they’re not ready to let go just yet.


What is he thinking after 2 months of no contact?

After two months of no contact, he might be feeling a mix of things. He could be missing you, feeling relieved, or maybe he’s just focused on moving forward with his life. 

It really depends on how the relationship was and how it ended. 

Most people start to get a clearer head about their feelings after some time has passed, so he might be reflecting on what went wrong, what he wants for his future, or he might not be thinking about the relationship much at all if he’s busy with other aspects of his life.

Should I contact him after 2 months of no contact?

Deciding to contact him after two months of no contact depends on what you hope to achieve by reaching out. 

If you’ve spent this time reflecting and you genuinely believe there’s something positive to be gained from reconnecting, it might be worth a message. 

However, it’s important to be prepared for any response—or lack thereof. 

Make sure you’re reaching out for the right reasons and that you’re okay with the possibility that he’s moved on or might not want to rekindle anything.

Is 2 months a long time after a breakup?

Two months can feel like a long time after a breakup, especially when you’re dealing with all the emotions and changes that come with it. 

It’s enough time for some initial healing to happen, and for both people to start adjusting to life without each other. 

However, the process of fully moving on is different for everyone, and two months might not be enough for complete closure. 

It’s a significant period where a lot of reflection and growth can occur, but it’s also okay if you or your ex still have some ways to go in the healing process.

(Related: No Contact For 3 Months, Should You Give Up? (8 Vital Tips)

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Destiny Femi

Destiny Femi is a dating coach whose work has helped transform the love lives of countless people. With a writing style that is both insightful and relatable, Destiny has amassed a following of hundreds of thousands of readers who turn to him for advice on everything from finding the perfect partner to maintaining a healthy relationship. Through his articles he has inspired people around the world to become more confident, authentic, and successful in their dating life.

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