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Running into your ex after not talking for a while can be awkward. 

You might feel all sorts of things: nervous, surprised, or maybe even a bit sad. It’s totally normal to feel this way.

After all, this is someone you used to be close with, and now things are different. 

But even though it might feel weird, it’s something a lot of people go through. The key is knowing how to handle it so you can feel okay about the whole thing.

In this article, we’re going to talk about what to do (and what not to do) when you see your ex again after not talking for a while. 

We’ll give you some tips on how to keep things cool and not let it mess up your day. 

Remember, it’s all about staying calm and being polite, even if you’re feeling a bunch of different things inside. 

1. Stay Calm and Collected

When you bump into your ex for the first time after a period of no contact, it’s crucial to keep your cool. 

Of course, this is easier said than done. I get it. 

Your heart might be racing, and a flood of emotions could threaten to overwhelm you, but remember, staying calm is key. 

Take a deep breath, and remind yourself that you are in control of your reactions. This is not just about appearing unfazed; it’s about genuinely grounding yourself in the moment.

The importance of maintaining composure cannot be overstated. It’s easy to let old feelings surface and dictate your behavior, but resist the urge. 

By staying calm, you communicate confidence and maturity. It’s okay to feel a mix of emotions internally, but on the outside, strive for a demeanor that says you’re doing just fine. 

This approach not only helps you manage the situation better but also leaves a positive impression on your ex.

2. Be Polite and Brief

seeing your ex

In the moment, it might be tempting to dive into a deep conversation or, conversely, to give your ex the cold shoulder. 

However, the golden middle path is to be polite and keep the interaction brief. A simple “Hello” or “How are you?” suffices. 

This shows you acknowledge their presence without inviting an extended dialogue. It’s about striking a balance between civility and maintaining your boundaries.

Keeping the conversation short is also a way of protecting your emotional well-being. There’s no need to hash out past issues or discuss your current life in detail. 

A brief, polite exchange signals that you’ve moved on and are not seeking to rekindle anything. 

Plus, it leaves less room for awkwardness or misunderstandings that longer conversations might bring.

3. Use Positive Body Language

Your body says a lot about how you’re feeling, sometimes more than words. 

So, when you see your ex, ensure your body language reflects positivity and openness. 

Stand tall, make eye contact, and smile genuinely if it feels right. These non-verbal cues suggest that you’re doing well and harbor no hard feelings.

Positive body language also serves as a form of self-assurance. It can boost your confidence in a potentially awkward situation, making you feel more in control. 

Remember, the goal isn’t to show off or to make your ex feel any particular way, but rather to communicate that you are in a good place. 

It’s about expressing your inner calm and contentment outwardly.

[Read: 10 Signs Your Ex Is Pretending To Be Happy]

4. Avoid Bringing Up the Past

This one’s crucial: steer clear of dredging up the past. Your encounter should not be a gateway to rehashing old arguments or reminiscing about the good times. 

Mentioning the past can reopen old wounds and complicate both your feelings and the situation. 

Focus on the present moment and keep any conversation topics neutral and light.

If your ex tries to bring up past events, gently but firmly redirect the conversation or conclude the interaction. It’s important to protect your emotional space and not let this unexpected meeting derail your progress. 

Remember, the goal of no contact is to heal and move forward, not to get stuck in what was. 

Resisting the temptation to revisit the past is a testament to your growth and resilience.

5. Know When to Walk Away

Recognizing when to end the conversation and walk away is essential.

If the interaction becomes uncomfortable or if you’ve said all that needs to be said, it’s okay to excuse yourself politely. 

You don’t owe anyone a lengthy conversation, especially if it’s detrimental to your peace of mind. Listen to your intuition; if something feels off, it’s your cue to leave.

Walking away is not about escaping; it’s about choosing your well-being over prolonged discomfort. 

It demonstrates that you respect yourself enough to leave a situation that no longer serves you. 

Besides, it reinforces the boundary you’ve worked hard to establish during the no-contact period. 

Remember, every interaction post-breakup is a step in your journey of healing and self-discovery.

[Interesting: When Someone Constantly Breaks Up With You: Reasons And What To Do]

6. Keep the Conversation Neutral

talking to your ex after a long time

When conversing with your ex, aim to keep the topics neutral. 

Talk about general subjects like the weather, recent movies, or mutual interests that don’t have emotional baggage. 

This approach helps prevent the conversation from veering into sensitive territory. It’s a way of keeping things light and manageable, avoiding potential triggers for both of you.

Neutral topics act as a safe common ground, where the risk of conflict or discomfort is minimized. 

This strategy is especially helpful if you’re caught off guard and need a go-to conversation topic that won’t lead to awkwardness. It allows for a polite exchange that respects both parties’ boundaries.

7. Prepare Mentally Beforehand

If you anticipate running into your ex, such as at a mutual friend’s event or in a shared community space, mentally prepare yourself beforehand.

Think about how you might feel, how you’ll react, and what you might say. This mental rehearsal can reduce anxiety and help you feel more in control if and when the encounter happens. 

It’s not about obsessing over every possible scenario but equipping yourself with a calm mindset and a plan.

Mental preparation also involves setting intentions for how you want to handle the situation. 

Decide that you’ll stay positive, be polite, and not let the encounter affect your peace of mind. 

By having a clear plan, you’re less likely to be caught off guard emotionally and more likely to act in a way that reflects your current state of healing and growth.

8. Respect Their Space and Yours

If your ex seems uncomfortable or indicates they’re not interested in talking, respect their wishes without taking it personally. 

Similarly, permit yourself to maintain the distance you need. You’re not obligated to close the gap or force a conversation for the sake of appearances.

Respecting space also means being mindful of physical boundaries. 

Maintain a comfortable distance, and be attentive to non-verbal cues that suggest whether a closer interaction is welcome or not. This respect for personal boundaries is a sign of maturity and understanding. 

It shows that you recognize both of you are navigating individual paths of healing and growth, and that’s okay. 

[Also Read: 12 Things He Thinks When You Don’t Contact Him]

What Not To Do When You See An Ex For The First Time?

don't do this when you see your ex

1. Don’t Dive Into Emotional Topics Or The Breakup Details. 

When you bump into your ex after some time apart, it might feel like a good chance to talk about what went wrong or how you’ve been feeling. 

However, this can quickly turn the conversation heavy and uncomfortable for both of you. 

Stick to light and neutral topics instead. This is not the time or place to unpack your past relationship or to seek closure. 

Keeping the interaction straightforward helps avoid unnecessary drama and keeps your emotions in check.

2. Avoid Being Confrontational Or Overly Sentimental 

Seeing your ex might stir up a lot of emotions, but it’s important not to let those feelings lead to a confrontational or overly emotional exchange. 

Getting angry, bringing up past arguments, or expressing lingering sadness can make the situation tense and awkward. It’s also not a good idea to use this as an opportunity to express unresolved feelings or to seek reassurance. 

Remember, the goal is to handle the encounter with dignity and grace, showing that you’re moving forward, not looking back.

3. Resist The Urge To Dissect Their Every Word And Look

When you see your ex for the first time after a break, it’s natural to scrutinize their actions, words, and even their appearance, trying to gauge how they’re feeling. 

However, overanalyzing everything can drive you crazy and doesn’t help move on. 

They are trying to act normal or polite, without any deeper intentions. Focus on managing your reactions and emotions, rather than trying to decode theirs. 

This will help you maintain your peace of mind and avoid drawing incorrect conclusions that could upset you further.

4. Avoid Making Assumptions About Their Life Now

It’s also tempting to speculate about how their life has changed since you last spoke, especially based on any snippets you see on social media or hear through the grapevine. 

Remember, appearances can be deceiving, and people often only show their best side to the outside world. 

Dwelling on these assumptions can make it harder for you to move forward. 

Concentrate on your growth and happiness instead of getting caught up in what your ex might or might not be doing.

5. Avoid Flaunting A New Relationship Or Achievements

seeing your ex for the first time

Seeing your ex might feel like the perfect moment to show how well you’re doing without them, whether that’s through dropping hints about someone new in your life or talking up your latest successes. 

However, trying to make them jealous is a game that no one wins. It can come off as petty and shows that you’re not over the situation. 

Instead, let your happiness and confidence speak for themselves. 

If you’re genuinely doing well, that will be apparent without you having to point it out.

6. Steer Clear Of Petty Behaviors Or Comments

Similarly, making snide remarks or acting in a way that’s meant to provoke jealousy or regret in your ex is unproductive. 

These actions can reflect more poorly on you than on them. It’s better to be polite and composed, showing that you’ve moved on healthily and maturely. 

Your focus should be on handling the interaction with class, not on trying to settle scores or evoke certain reactions from them.

7. Avoid Following Them Around Or Seeking Out Further Contact

After the initial meeting, you might feel a renewed curiosity about their life or a desire to keep the communication going. 

However, it’s important to resist the urge to follow them around at an event or to find excuses to contact them afterward. This can come across as intrusive or desperate and is not conducive to healing and moving on. 

Remember, the goal of no contact is to give both of you the space to heal and grow independently. 

Respecting that space is crucial for your well-being and for maintaining a healthy dynamic between you two.

What To Do If Your Ex Wants To See You For The First Time After No Contact

If your ex reaches out and wants to meet up after you haven’t talked for a while, it’s okay to feel a mix of things. 

You might be curious, excited, or even a little scared. 

That’s normal! 

The first thing to do is think about what you really want. 

Do you feel okay about seeing them, or does it make you feel stressed? It’s super important to listen to your feelings. 

You don’t have to say yes if you’re not ready. Your feelings and comfort should come first, always.

If you decide you’re okay with meeting, try to plan for it to be in a place where you feel comfortable, like a favorite café or park. 

This way, you won’t feel too nervous or out of place. It’s also a good idea to think about what you might talk about and what you want to get out of the meeting. 

Are you hoping to be friends, or are you just trying to be nice? Remember, it’s okay to set boundaries

If there are things you’re not ready to talk about, it’s okay to say so. 

Seeing your ex after a break can be tough, but taking care of yourself and knowing what you want can make it a lot easier.

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Anita Oge

Meet Anita, a relationship writer with a passion for helping people navigate the complexities of love and dating. With a background in information science, she has a wealth of knowledge and insight to share. Her writing is sure to leave you feeling empowered and inspired.

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