Read This When You Miss Your Ex

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Missing your ex is something a lot of us go through after a breakup. 

It can make you feel really sad, lonely, and sometimes even confused. That’s totally normal. 

Breakups are hard, and it takes time to get used to not having that person around anymore. 

But remember, just because you miss them, it doesn’t mean getting back together is the right thing to do.

In this article, we’re going to talk about some things you can do when you miss your ex. 

We’ll share tips on how to feel better, how to keep moving forward, and how to take care of yourself during this tough time. 

It’s okay to feel sad, but there are also lots of ways to start feeling a little happier and more like yourself again.

So, if you’re having one of those days where you really miss your ex, keep reading. This is for you.

Remember Why Things Ended

It’s totally normal to miss your ex, but when you start feeling that way, try to remember the reasons why things ended between you two. 

Often, it’s easy to look back and only see the good times, especially when you’re feeling lonely or sad. 

But it’s important to remind yourself that if the relationship was right, it wouldn’t have ended. There were reasons – maybe big ones – that led to that decision.

Think about the challenges you faced together and the differences that couldn’t be reconciled. 

Reflecting on these can help you remember that moving on was likely for the best. It’s not about dwelling on the negative but about keeping a balanced perspective that helps you understand why you’re better off now. 

This doesn’t erase the good times, but it helps you appreciate that ending things was a step towards something better for you.

Focus on Your Growth

Happy girl on her journey of personal growth

Since the breakup, think about how much you’ve grown. Breakups, as tough as they are, offer a unique chance to get to know yourself better. 

You’ve likely learned a lot about what you want, what you don’t want, and what you deserve in a relationship. 

Acknowledge the strengths you’ve discovered in yourself and the personal growth you’ve experienced.

Use this time to focus on further personal development. Dive into new hobbies, strengthen your friendships, and set new goals for yourself. 

Each new experience is a step forward in your journey and a reminder of all the possibilities that lie ahead. 

Your relationship was just one chapter in your life, and there’s so much more to your story.

[Related: 10 Signs Your Ex Tried to Replace You But Failed]

Create New Memories

Now’s the time to make new memories that are all about you. 

This could mean traveling to a place you’ve always wanted to visit, trying out a class that interests you, or simply exploring new spots in your city. 

Creating new experiences helps you move forward and forms a bridge to the next chapter of your life.

These new memories are a powerful reminder that life goes on and it’s full of opportunities for joy and discovery. 

Every new adventure or experience is a step away from the past and towards a future where you’re the main character in your own life, not just a co-star in someone else’s. 

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Embrace these moments as they come, and let them fill you with excitement for what’s next.

Practice Self-Love and Care

Take this time to really focus on loving and caring for yourself. It’s the foundation of healing and moving on. 

Treat yourself kindly, whether that means taking time for self-care activities you enjoy, speaking to yourself with compassion, or setting healthy boundaries for your well-being. 

Remember, the most important relationship you have is the one with yourself.

Practicing self-love isn’t just about bubble baths and treating yourself (though those are nice, too!). 

It’s also about making choices that respect your needs and happiness. This could mean saying no to things that drain you, pursuing your goals, and reminding yourself of your worth daily. 

When you build a life you love, filled with activities and people that make you happy, you’ll find that missing your ex becomes a smaller and smaller part of your experience.

Embrace the Freedom to Explore

Embracing your newfound freedom is a silver lining in the post-breakup phase. 

Now, you have the liberty to explore life on your terms, without having to compromise or consider someone else’s preferences alongside your own. 

It’s a chance to rediscover who you are, what you love, and what you want out of life. This period of exploration can lead to profound self-discovery and personal fulfillment.

Take this opportunity to try things your ex might not have been interested in or things you’ve put off. 

Whether it’s a cooking class, a solo trip, or diving into a new book genre, these experiences enrich your life and broaden your horizons. 

Each new thing you try adds to your sense of self and brings clarity to what you want in the future, including in a partner.

Reconnect With Your Passions

Often, in the midst of a relationship, we sideline our passions to make room for couple activities or to accommodate our partner’s interests. 

Now’s the time to reconnect with those passions and hobbies that make your heart sing. 

Whether it’s painting, playing an instrument, or getting back into a sport you love, immersing yourself in your passions can be incredibly healing and empowering.

Reconnecting with your passions not only brings you joy but also strengthens your identity and self-esteem. It reminds you of your uniqueness and the things that make you, you. 

Plus, engaging in activities you love can introduce you to new communities and friendships, expanding your support network and adding new layers of happiness to your life.

Set New Goals for Yourself

10 things I would change about myself this year

Setting new personal or professional goals can give you something positive to focus on, directing your energy towards future achievements rather than dwelling on the past. 

Think about what you’ve always wanted to accomplish but maybe didn’t have the time or energy for during your relationship. 

Setting these goals can reignite your motivation and give you a sense of purpose.

Whether it’s pursuing a promotion at work, running a half-marathon, or learning a new language, achieving these goals can boost your confidence and self-worth. 

Every small victory is a reminder of your strength and capability, proving to yourself that you can overcome challenges and build the life you dream of.

Limit Social Media Stalking

It’s tempting to keep tabs on your ex through social media, but this habit can keep you stuck in the past and hinder your healing process. 

See also  I Ended The Relationship, But It Still Hurts: Reasons And What to Do 

Constantly checking in on their life post-breakup can trigger feelings of sadness, jealousy, or longing, making it harder to move on. 

Make a conscious effort to limit or even stop this behavior, focusing instead on your own growth and happiness.

If necessary, consider unfollowing or muting your ex on social media. This isn’t about being petty or bitter; it’s about protecting your peace and giving yourself the space to heal without constant reminders of what used to be. 

Redirect the time and energy you would have spent on social media into activities that improve your well-being and bring you joy. 

Over time, you’ll find that your curiosity about your ex’s life diminishes, making room for more constructive and fulfilling pursuits.

Reflect on the Lessons Learned

Every relationship, no matter how it ends, comes with valuable lessons.

Take some time to reflect on what this past relationship has taught you about love, compatibility, and what you truly need from a partner. 

Understanding these lessons can turn a painful ending into a powerful opportunity for personal growth. It’s about finding the silver lining and using it to make your future relationships healthier and more fulfilling.

Reflecting on these lessons also helps in recognizing patterns you may want to avoid in the future. 

Maybe you learned more about your boundaries, or perhaps you discovered aspects of yourself that you’d like to work on. 

Embracing these insights not only aids in healing but also empowers you to enter into new relationships with a clearer understanding of what works for you and what doesn’t.

Cultivate Gratitude for the Good Times

couple on a date

While it’s important to acknowledge the reasons behind the breakup, it’s also beneficial to remember the good times with a sense of gratitude. 

Cherishing the happy moments doesn’t mean you want to go back or that you’re stuck in the past; rather, it’s about acknowledging that, despite how things ended, there was goodness in the connection you shared. 

This perspective can soften the sharp edges of pain and help you move forward with a more balanced view of the relationship.

Practicing gratitude can also shift your focus from loss to appreciation, helping you recognize the growth and joy that came from the relationship. 

It’s a reminder that even though not every relationship is meant to last forever, each one can bring valuable experiences and memories that contribute to who you are.

Stay Active and Engaged with Life

Keeping yourself physically active and socially engaged is crucial during this time. 

Physical activity, whether it’s going to the gym, practicing yoga, or simply taking long walks, can greatly improve your mood and reduce stress. 

It’s a healthy outlet for the energy and emotions you’re navigating. Plus, the endorphins released during exercise can be a natural mood booster.

Staying socially engaged keeps you connected to the world around you. Spend time with friends and family, volunteer, or get involved in community activities. 

These interactions remind you that there’s a big, beautiful world full of opportunities for happiness and connection beyond your past relationship. 

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Engaging with life in this way can be incredibly reaffirming and can help speed up the healing process.

Explore New Interests

Now is an ideal time to explore new interests or dive deeper into areas you’ve always been curious about. 

Maybe there’s a hobby you’ve always wanted to try or a subject you’ve been interested in learning more about. 

Pursuing new interests not only distracts you from missing your ex but also helps in building a new, enriched version of yourself. It’s about creating a life that’s exciting and fulfilling on your own terms.

Exploring new interests can also lead you to meet new people with similar passions, expanding your social circle and introducing you to diverse perspectives and experiences. 

This can be incredibly refreshing and can open up new avenues for friendships and even future relationships when you’re ready. 

It reinforces the idea that growth and new beginnings are possible after a breakup.

Surround Yourself With Support

When you’re missing your ex, reaching out to friends and family can be incredibly comforting. 

They’re your personal cheer squad, ready to remind you of your worth and help you through tough times. 

Sharing your feelings with them can lighten your burden and bring some much-needed laughter and warmth into your day.

These people love you for who you are and can offer perspectives that you might not have considered. 

They can remind you of your strengths and the reasons why you deserve someone who truly makes you happy. 

Besides, spending time with loved ones can fill the void you might be feeling, showing you that companionship and love come in many forms, not just romantic relationships.

[Read: 10 Signs Your Ex Is Pretending To Be]


What do you do when you miss your ex?

When you miss your ex, try to keep yourself busy with activities that make you happy or help you relax. 

This could be hanging out with friends, picking up a new hobby, or even watching your favorite movie. It’s also a good idea to remind yourself why the relationship ended in the first place. 

Doing things that improve your mood and focusing on your own growth can help ease the feeling of missing them.

What to text when you miss your ex?

If you’re thinking about texting your ex because you miss them, it’s important to pause and consider why you want to reach out. 

If you decide to send a message, keep it simple and neutral. You could say something like, “Hope you’re doing well.” 

It’s key to avoid diving into emotional topics or expressing how much you miss them, as this can complicate your healing process.

How do I get my ex off my mind?

Getting your ex off your mind requires time and effort. 

Start by filling your days with activities you enjoy, which can help distract you from thinking about them. 

Also, try to limit reminders of your ex, like photos or gifts, which can trigger memories. 

Engaging in new hobbies, spending time with friends, and focusing on personal goals can also help shift your focus away from your ex and towards your own life and future.

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