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Chatting with your mom can be a lot of fun, but sometimes she might say things that are just a little bit annoying or funny. 

Maybe she’s reminding you for the tenth time to clean your room, or she’s giving you advice you’ve heard a million times before. 

It happens in every family, right? 

Well, there’s a fun way to keep the conversation going without getting into a real argument. That’s where funny comebacks come in!

Funny comebacks are like little jokes you can say back to your mom when she’s being super mom-like. 

They’re not meant to be mean or rude. Instead, they’re a way to show your mom you’re listening but you’ve also got a sense of humor. 

Plus, it can make your mom laugh, and who doesn’t love making their mom smile? It’s all about having a good time and sharing a laugh together.

This article is packed with some of the funniest comebacks you can use the next time your mom says something that deserves a playful response. 

Whether she’s on your case about chores or just being her usual mom self, these comebacks will add a bit of fun to your day

Best Comebacks For Your Mom

mother and son making jokes

1. “Is that your way of saying you miss me?” – Use this when she nags about you not calling or texting enough. It’s a playful way to acknowledge her concern while also making her smile.

2. “Wow, did you find that advice in a fortune cookie?” – Perfect for when she gives you those all-too-familiar pearls of wisdom that you’ve heard a million times.

3. “I’ll consider that when I become a parent. Oh wait…” – A humorous response for when she offers unsolicited parenting advice, especially if you’re not a parent yourself.

4. “Do you need a detective hat, or are you just enjoying being nosy?” – A light-hearted comeback for when she’s being overly inquisitive about your personal life.

5. “Oops, I must have left my listening ears in my other pants.” – Great for when she’s reminding you to do something for the umpteenth time, implying you “accidentally” didn’t hear her before.

6. “I didn’t know we were competing for the ‘Most Dramatic’ award today.” – For those times she’s overreacting to something minor, suggesting she’s making a bid for an imaginary award.

7. “Is there an app for translating ‘Mom logic’?” – When she says something that makes perfect sense to her but confuses you, implying you might need technological assistance to understand.

8. “Check the lost and found; I think my motivation is there.” – Use this when she’s encouraging you to do something you’re clearly not enthusiastic about, like cleaning your room or starting homework.

9. “Will this be on the family quiz later?” – When she’s quizzing you on details about relatives or family events.

10. “I think my superhero power might be invisibility. Only explanation for my clean laundry being invisible.” – A playful nudge when she reminds you (again) to do your laundry.

11. “Ah, must be my turn in the hot seat!” – When she starts questioning you about your day, plans, or homework as if it’s an interrogation.

12. “I’m still waiting for my grown-up manual in the mail.” – For when she comments on your adulting skills, or lack thereof.

13. “Is that a hint? Because I think I missed it.” – When she’s dropping not-so-subtle hints about chores or tasks she wants done.

14. “I guess I missed the lecture on mind reading during school.” – If she’s expecting you to know something without her having told you.

15. “Was that an offer to help? You’re too kind!” – When she’s pointing out something you need to do, pretend she’s volunteering to do it herself.

16. “Should I pencil you in for my next therapy session?” – A cheeky response to her deep, probing questions about your feelings or relationship status.

17. “Is there a ‘Mom’s favorite sayings’ book I don’t know about?” – When she repeats the same old mom wisdom you’ve heard a thousand times.

18. “If you’re waiting for me to clean my room, you might want to grab a snack.” – A humorous warning that she might be in for a long wait.

19. “Are we playing 20 questions, or is it my imagination?” – When she bombards you with questions about everything under the sun.

20. “Is this a mom joke? Because I’m still working on my laugh.” – For when she attempts her own brand of mom humor.

21. “I’d agree, but then we’d both be right. Can’t have that, can we?” – When you’re playfully disputing something trivial.

22. “Let me check my schedule. Oh, look, ‘not caring’ is up next.” – For when she’s overly concerned about something you find unimportant.

23. “Do I get bonus points if I pretend to be shocked?” – When she shares “startling” news that isn’t new or surprising.

24. “Quick, write that down! It’s the discovery of the century.” – When she points out something painfully obvious as if it’s a revelation.

25. “I think you’ve mistaken me for someone who left their humor in their other pants.” – If she teases you and you want to tease her back about your shared sense of humor.

26. “I’m updating my ‘care’ software, but it seems to be stuck on loading.” – For when she’s passionate about something you’re less than thrilled with.

27. “Are you auditioning for a detective role? Because you’re really digging deep.” – If she’s prying for details about your life in detective mode.

28. “Let me know if you find my lost motivation while you’re at it.” – A funny way to acknowledge your procrastination on tasks or chores she’s reminding you about.

29. “Yes, chef! I’ll get right on that recipe for disaster.” – When she’s instructing you on how to do something you’re clearly about to mess up.

30. “Should I start taking notes, or will there be a pop quiz?” – If she’s giving you a bunch of instructions or information at once.

31. “Are you warming up for the guilt trip Olympics?” – If she’s laying it on thick trying to persuade or guilt you into something.

32. “Let me consult my magic 8-ball.” – Use this when she asks if you’re going to do something she’s been nagging about, like cleaning your room.

33. “I think you meant to text that to someone who hasn’t heard it before.” – For the times she repeats advice or warnings you’ve heard many times.

34. “Is there an echo in here, or is it just the sound of last week’s lecture?” – When she repeats the same advice or scolding you’ve already heard.

35. “Oh, I was today years old when I realized that.” – Sarcastically implying that what she said is either very obvious or something you’ve known for a while.

36. “Let me add that to my list of things I’ll pretend to do later.” – When she reminds you of a task you both know you’re likely to procrastinate on.

37. “I think your mom radar must be malfunctioning.” – Use this when she suspects you’re up to something you’re actually not.

38. “Was that a ‘Mom joke’? Because I’m struggling to laugh.” – For those times she attempts humor that falls flat.

39. “Sorry, I’m allergic to unsolicited advice.” – A funny way to react to her giving advice you didn’t ask for.

40. “Should I laugh now, or is there more to that story?” – When she tells a long story or lecture that’s meant to be cautionary but ends up being amusing.

41. “I’d argue, but I don’t have a time machine to prove my point.” – For when she brings up past mistakes or decisions you can’t change.

42. “Is this a test? Because I didn’t study.” – When she quizzes you on something out of the blue, like family plans or details you were supposed to remember.

43. “Let me put that on my ‘Things I’ll get around to never’ list.” – A humorous way to acknowledge her request while hinting you might not do it.

44. “I think I left my enthusiasm in my other pants.” – For when she’s excited about something you’re clearly not thrilled about.

45. “Checking my interest level… and it’s still at zero.” – When she’s trying to get you involved in something you have no interest in.

46. “I’m currently accepting bribes to expedite that task.” – A playful way to say you might consider doing what she asks if there’s something in it for you.

[Read: 250+ Words and Adjectives To Describe A Mother]

Funny Comebacks For Your Mom

mom and daughter making jokes

47. “Wow, you’re really aiming for ‘Mom of the Year’ with that one.” – When she does something overly protective or mom-like that’s both annoying and endearing.

48. “I’d pay attention, but my mind is on vacation.” – When she’s telling you something important but you’re clearly daydreaming.

49.”I think my care meter just broke.” – For when she’s making a mountain out of a molehill over something trivial.

50. “I’m saving my energy for something more thrilling, like watching paint dry.” – When she suggests an activity or chore that sounds incredibly boring.

51. “I’m practicing for my future career as a statue.” – When she asks why you’re just sitting around doing nothing.

52. “Just waiting for the part where this turns into a fun idea.” – When she proposes an activity or task that sounds anything but fun to you.

53. “Can we schedule that for the 32nd of Neverember?” – When she asks you to do something you really don’t want to do.

54. “Oh, was that an invitation or a royal decree?” – For when she’s telling you to do something in a way that leaves no room for argument.

55. “I think my superhero name would be ‘The Procrastinator’.” – When she’s urging you to get started on homework or chores you’ve been putting off.

56. “Let me file that under ‘Things I’ll pretend to forget’.” – When she’s reminding you about chores or tasks you’re not thrilled about.

57. “Is there a reward, or is surviving the task reward enough?” – A playful way to ask if there’s any incentive for doing what she’s asking.

58. “Do you think if I ignore it long enough, it’ll do itself?” – Regarding a task or chore she’s mentioned that you’re hoping will magically resolve itself.

59. “I’m not lazy; I’m on energy-saving mode.” – When she comments on your lack of activity or motivation.

60. “Wait, let me check if I’ve suddenly developed telekinesis.” – When she’s expecting you to bring her something or do a task from across the room.

61. “I’ll add that to my list of talents: expert avoider.” – When she’s calling you out for dodging chores or responsibilities.

62. “If only enthusiasm was a renewable resource.” – When she’s trying to get you excited about something you have zero interest in.

63. “I thought you enjoyed our game of ‘hide and seek’ with the chores.” – When she notices you’ve been creatively avoiding your household responsibilities.

64. “Looks like my schedule is packed with ‘not that’.” – When she suggests an activity or chore that you have absolutely no interest in.

65. “I’m still waiting for my applause. No? Okay, then.” – After completing a task or chore she’s asked for, and you’re half-jokingly expecting some recognition.

66. “If complaining was an Olympic sport, I think we’d both qualify.” – Teasing her about the mutual tendency to complain about chores or tasks.

67. “Let me add that to my fantasy to-do list.” – When she suggests something unrealistic, like cleaning your room to perfection.

68. “Oh, was that today? I thought it was scheduled for the next leap year.” – When she reminds you of something you’ve been procrastinating on for far too long.

69. “My hearing works fine, but my doing needs some work.” – Acknowledging you heard her request but are less quick to act on it.

70. “I think you’ve mistaken me for someone with motivation.” – A humorous retort for when she’s encouraging you to start on a big project or homework.

71. “Should I alert the media? This seems newsworthy.” – When she makes a big deal out of something small, like finishing the milk.

72. “I’m still waiting for my Hogwarts letter, then I’ll get right on that.” – A playful way to say you’ll tackle a task once an impossible event happens.

73. “Hang on, let me find where I asked for your opinion.” – A cheeky comeback for when she gives unsolicited advice, especially about your fashion choices.

74. “Are you offering to do it for me? How kind!” – When she points out something needs doing, pretending she’s volunteering.

75. “Wow, that sounds like a problem for future me to worry about.” – For when she’s reminding you about something that doesn’t need immediate attention.

76. “I’d agree, but then we’d both be right. Where’s the fun in that?” – A light-hearted response to when you and she have a playful disagreement.

77. “I’m practicing for my role as the family’s mystery member.” – When she’s asking too many questions about your plans or personal life.

78. “Oh, I thought today was ‘speak in riddles’ day.” – For when her instructions or advice are particularly confusing or vague.

79. “Is this a new episode of ‘Mom Knows Best’?” – When she’s dishing out life lessons or advice like a TV show host.

80. “Let me check my enthusiasm meter… Yep, still at zero.” – For when she’s excited about something you’re clearly not, like a family outing.

81. “I’m on a strict diet of procrastination and laziness. Can’t break it now.” – A humorous excuse for not jumping into tasks or chores right away.

82. “Sure, I’ll just add it to my fantasy list of things to do.” – When she suggests a chore or task you have no intention of doing anytime soon.

83. “I’ll start on that as soon as I become a morning person.” – Perfect for when she suggests doing something early or if you’re not a fan of mornings.

84. “I’m all booked up. My schedule is full of not doing that.” – A funny way to say your plans don’t include the task she’s suggesting.

85. “Sorry, I can’t today. My bed and I are in a serious relationship.” – For those days when she wants you to get up and be productive, but you just want to stay in bed.

86. “Are you warming up for the guilt trip marathon?” – When she starts laying on the guilt thick for not doing something yet.

87. “Just waiting for my motivation to kick in. Any minute now…” – For when she’s encouraging you to get started on homework or a project and you’re clearly stalling.

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Anita Oge

Meet Anita, a relationship writer with a passion for helping people navigate the complexities of love and dating. With a background in information science, she has a wealth of knowledge and insight to share. Her writing is sure to leave you feeling empowered and inspired.

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