How To Be More Assertive As A Man

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Every day, we face situations where we need to speak up, make a choice, or stand up for what we believe in. But, for many men, being assertive isn’t always easy. 

Some of us were taught that being quiet and not causing a fuss was the way to go. Others might worry about coming off as too pushy or aggressive. 

So, how can a man be assertive without crossing that line? That’s exactly what we’re going to talk about in this article.

Assertiveness isn’t about being bossy or shouting louder than others. It’s about speaking up for yourself in a positive and confident way. 

Imagine being able to express your thoughts, needs, and feelings in a manner that’s clear and respectful. It’s like finding the middle path between being too passive and being too aggressive.

This article is crucial for men today. The modern world often demands that we stand our ground and voice our opinions. 

Being assertive can help us at work, in relationships, and in many everyday situations. It can help us build better connections with people and achieve what we want without hurting or overlooking others.

So, if you’re a man who’s ever wondered how to confidently share your views or make decisions without second-guessing yourself, read on.

1. Understand What Being Assertive Means

Being assertive isn’t about bulldozing your way through conversations or pushing your opinions onto others. It’s a balanced way of expressing oneself, where you respect your own rights and feelings, as well as those of the other person. 

Picture it like standing up straight – not leaning too far forward aggressively, but also not slouching back passively.

You might wonder, why is this important? Well, assertiveness provides clarity in communication. There’s a clear understanding of what you want, what you feel, and what you think. There’s no second-guessing or reading between the lines.

On the flip side, you also open yourself up to understanding the perspectives of others. By expressing yourself clearly, you invite open dialogue. 

This way, not only do you make your stance known, but you also learn about the views and feelings of those you’re communicating with.

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2. Learn How to Truly Listen 

Assertive man

This might seem counterintuitive at first. Isn’t assertiveness about expressing yourself? 

Yes, but understanding others is a crucial part of this equation. By genuinely listening, you’re better positioned to articulate your perspective in a way that’s both respectful and effective.

Imagine you’re in a meeting. Before stating your points, take a moment to really hear out your colleagues. Digest their words, their tone, and even their body language. 

This shows that you respect their input, and in turn, they’re more likely to listen to and respect yours.

More importantly, active listening helps in refining your response. When you understand the nuances of what’s being said, you can tailor your assertive reply in a manner that’s both clear and relevant. So, rather than just waiting for your turn to speak, genuinely immerse yourself in the conversation.

3. Develop a Strong Self-Image

Believing in yourself plays a significant role in being assertive. Why?

If you’re not convinced about your own worth or the validity of your viewpoints, it becomes challenging to express them assertively. So, take a moment to recognize your value and the experiences and insights you bring to the table.

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Every day, remind yourself of your achievements, however big or small. It can be as simple as completing a task at work or as grand as reaching a significant milestone. Celebrate these moments, for they reinforce your confidence and belief in your abilities.

Having a strong self-image isn’t about arrogance. It’s about understanding and appreciating your own worth. And with this foundation, you’re better equipped to express your opinions and desires assertively.

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4. Know Your Worth

You might wonder, “What does self-worth have to do with being assertive?” Well, a lot. 

Let me explain: 

Truly knowing your worth is like having a compass in the journey of assertiveness. It reminds you that your opinions, feelings, and needs are valid and deserving of expression.

Think about a time you truly believed in something. The conviction, the clarity, the confidence you felt – wasn’t it empowering? That’s what recognizing your worth can do. 

It gives you a foundation, a starting point.

Of course, everyone has moments of self-doubt. That’s natural. But instead of dwelling on them, use them as stepping stones. For every doubt, remind yourself of an achievement or a quality you’re proud of.

End of the day, being assertive isn’t about pushing your opinions on others. It’s about recognizing that you, as an individual, have something valuable to contribute. And that realization starts with truly knowing and embracing your worth.

5. Set Boundaries and Stick to Them

Boundaries. We all have them, but sometimes we’re unsure about vocalizing them. 

Here’s the thing: clearly defining your boundaries is pivotal for self-respect, and consequently, for assertiveness. 

Are late-night work calls interrupting your family time? Do friends often take advantage of your generosity? Address these issues head-on.

Speaking up might seem challenging initially, especially if you’re used to accommodating others. But remember, establishing boundaries doesn’t mean you’re being rude or uncooperative. 

Instead, you’re making sure there’s mutual respect in all interactions. You’re also creating a space where you can thrive without feeling constantly overwhelmed or taken advantage of.

Knowing your boundaries is half the battle. The next step? Ensuring you stick to them. While you might face some pushback initially, over time, people will recognize and respect your limits. 

Remember, you’re always telling people how to treat you by what you tolerate from them. 

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6. Educate Yourself on Key Topics

Knowledge truly is power. The more informed you are about a subject, the more confidently you can speak on it. 

Whether it’s a work project, a hobby, or a cause you’re passionate about, dive deep into it. Understand its nuances, its challenges, and its potential solutions.

Having a well-rounded understanding of a topic doesn’t just boost your confidence; it also gives weight to your words. You’re no longer just sharing an opinion; you’re presenting an informed perspective. And that, my friend, carries a lot more gravitas. 

So, the next time you have a presentation or a debate, take a little extra time. Dive into the details. Equip yourself with information. 

You’ll notice that not only does your assertiveness improve, but people also start valuing your input more. This is why Jordan Peterson is unmatched when it comes to articulation and debates. 

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7. Body Language Matters

how to be more assertive as a man

Often, we forget how much we communicate without even speaking. Our posture, gestures, and facial expressions convey a lot. 

For someone aiming to be assertive, understanding and mastering body language can be a game changer. 

Stand tall with your shoulders relaxed. This simple adjustment projects confidence without seeming aggressive.

Consider your facial expressions too. A furrowed brow might indicate confusion or concern, while maintaining eye contact can show attentiveness and confidence. It’s these tiny signals that, combined, contribute to the overall message you’re sending.

Your gestures, too, play a crucial role. Crossed arms might seem defensive. Instead, keep your arms at your side or use them to emphasize points. Remember, the aim is to complement what you’re saying verbally, not contradict it.

So, while words are vital, don’t forget the silent, yet powerful role body language plays. The way you stand, the way you move, the way you look at someone – they all tell a story. Make sure it’s the story you want to tell.

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8. Manage Your Emotions

Arthur Schopenhauer said it best in Counsels and Maxims. He wrote, 

“If you want your judgment to be accepted, express it coolly and without passion.”

I get it. Emotions are a part of who we are. But while they make life vibrant, they can sometimes cloud our judgment. 

In heated discussions, it’s easy to let emotions take the driver’s seat. But to be assertive, you must learn to manage these emotions, especially the intense ones.

Take a deep breath. Simple, right? Yet, this age-old advice can be incredibly effective. It provides a momentary pause, allowing you to gather your thoughts and respond rather than react.

Some people recommend counting backwards from 5, 10, or 20, depending on how intense the emotion is. 

Another useful strategy is to acknowledge your emotions. Feelings aren’t good or bad; they just are. Recognizing them without judgment can prevent them from unduly influencing your communication.

9. Practice in Safe Environments

Baby steps. That’s what it’s all about. Before you bring your newfound assertiveness to a high-stakes work meeting or a sensitive personal conversation, practice. 

Test the waters in environments where the stakes are lower and where you feel safe.

Think about it like rehearsing for a play. Start with smaller audiences, maybe a friend or family member. Practice expressing your opinions, setting boundaries, and actively listening. Gauge their reactions, take feedback, and refine your approach.

Now, practicing doesn’t mean you’re faking it. No, you’re simply getting comfortable with a skill, much like learning to ride a bike or cook a new recipe. 

Over time, these rehearsals will boost your confidence and make assertive communication second nature to you.

And remember, the goal isn’t perfection. Every conversation won’t go as planned, and that’s okay. What matters is that you’re making an effort, learning from each experience, and growing in the process.

10. Seek Feedback and Continuously Evolve

The journey to being more assertive is an ongoing one. And one of the best ways to keep growing? Seek feedback. 

After important conversations or decisions, ask trusted colleagues, friends, or family about how you came across. Were you clear? Did you strike a balance between listening and speaking?

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Understanding others’ perceptions can offer valuable insights. You might realize that what you thought was assertiveness came across as aggression. Or perhaps, you weren’t as clear as you believed. 

This feedback, while sometimes tough to hear, is gold. It gives you tangible areas to work on.

The Takeaway 

Assertiveness is a skill every man (and woman) can learn. It’s about being clear, respectful, and confident when sharing your ideas or making choices. It’s not about winning or being right, but about understanding and being understood. 

So, take the lessons from this article and start practicing. The more you try, the easier it’ll become. And before you know it, you’ll find yourself speaking with more confidence and clarity.


How can I be assertive but not rude?

Being assertive is all about expressing yourself with confidence, while still respecting others. Think of it like standing up for yourself without stepping on anyone’s toes. 

A good tip? Always use “I” statements, like “I feel” or “I believe,” rather than placing blame. This way, you share your feelings without pointing fingers. Another trick is active listening. 

By really hearing someone out and acknowledging their perspective, you’re showing respect, which can make your own assertiveness come across as more genuine and less aggressive.

What are 5 assertive behaviors?

Assertive behaviors are those that allow you to express yourself in a confident yet respectful manner. Here’s a quick rundown of five key behaviors:

  1. Expressing feelings and thoughts openly – This means being honest about what you think or how you feel.
  2. Saying no without guilt – It’s okay to turn down requests or set boundaries.
  3. Asking for what you want or need – Instead of waiting or hoping someone will guess, just tell them.
  4. Listening actively – Show others you value their input by truly hearing them.
  5. Respecting yourself and others – Mutual respect is the foundation of healthy, assertive communication.

Why do I struggle to be assertive as a man?

Not being assertive can be rooted in individual experiences and personal character traits, irrespective of gender. 

Some people naturally have a more reserved or passive personality. Others might have grown up in environments where they were discouraged from voicing their opinions or where their views were frequently dismissed. These experiences can shape a person’s confidence in expressing themselves. 

Additionally, fears of confrontation, a desire to maintain harmony, or personal insecurities can hinder assertiveness. 

But self-awareness and personal development, combined with understanding the origin of these feelings, and practice can help in cultivating assertiveness over time. 

Why do girls like assertive guys?

There’s a common belief that assertiveness equates to confidence, and confidence can be an attractive trait. When someone is assertive, they’re often seen as clear about their wants, needs, and boundaries, which can suggest stability and self-assuredness. 

However, understand the difference between assertiveness and aggression. While the former is about expressing oneself while respecting others, the latter can come off as domineering or controlling. It’s the balance of confidence and respect that many find appealing. 

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