My Ex Is Obsessed With Me: How To Deal With It 

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Dealing with an ex who is obsessed with you is tough. 

Sometimes, even after you’ve told them it’s over, they keep trying to stay in your life. It’s like they’re obsessed with keeping things going, even when you’re ready to move on. 

This situation can be really stressful and can make it hard to enjoy your daily life.

In this article, we’re going to talk about some steps you can take if you find yourself in this tricky situation. 

We’ll cover how to make it super clear that the relationship is done, how to set boundaries, and other helpful tips to deal with an obsessed ex. 

The goal is to help you feel more in control of your life and safer from unwanted attention. 

1. Make It Clear to Your Ex That The Relationship Is Over

When dealing with an ex who just can’t seem to let go, the first step is crystal clear communication. 

Tell them directly that the relationship has come to an end. It’s important to be honest and straightforward, avoiding any ambiguity that might give them false hope. 

A face-to-face conversation is usually the most effective, but if that’s not possible, a phone call or even a message can work, as long as your message is clear.

Sometimes, you might feel tempted to soften the blow with maybe’s or someday’s, but it’s crucial to avoid these. 

Clarity is your best friend here. It helps to rehearse what you’re going to say beforehand so you can stay on track during the conversation. 

Remember, the goal is to make sure they understand that the relationship is definitively over, not to discuss the potential of getting back together in the future.

Setting the tone during this conversation is key. While you want to be firm, it’s equally important to remain kind and compassionate. 

Your ex is likely going through a tough time, and while you’re not responsible for their feelings, you can still be considerate in how you deliver your message. 

After all, at one point, you cared deeply for this person.

Once you’ve had this conversation, give them some space. 

It might be tempting to check in and see how they’re doing, but it’s better to allow them some time to process the end of the relationship on their own. 

This space is beneficial for both of you, as it helps in moving forward separately.

2. Set Clear Boundaries

Obsessive ex

After ensuring your ex understands that the relationship is over, the next step is to establish clear boundaries. 

This means deciding what kind of contact, if any, you’re comfortable with moving forward. 

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It could range from no contact at all to limited interactions in specific settings. It’s essential to define these boundaries early on to avoid any confusion or false hopes.

Communicate your boundaries directly to your ex. This conversation might be uncomfortable, but it’s necessary for both parties to understand what is and isn’t acceptable. 

Be specific about your needs. For example, if you prefer not to receive calls or texts from them, say so. 

It’s also helpful to explain why these boundaries are important to you, as it can help your ex understand your perspective better.

Respecting these boundaries goes both ways. While you expect your ex to adhere to the limits you’ve set, it’s just as important for you to respect their space and not cross any lines you’ve agreed upon. 

Consistency is key here. If you find yourself bending the rules you’ve set, it might send mixed signals, which could make moving on more difficult for both of you.

If your ex struggles to respect the boundaries you’ve established, it might be necessary to take further steps, such as limiting or completely cutting off communication.

 This isn’t about punishing them but rather about protecting your well-being and ensuring that both of you can start to heal and move on. 

Remember, boundaries are not just about creating physical space; they’re about fostering emotional independence as well.

[Read: The Psychology Behind Blocking An Ex]

3. Document Any Inappropriate Behavior

If your ex’s behavior escalates or becomes concerning, it’s wise to start documenting their actions. 

Keep a record of any messages, calls, or encounters that you find inappropriate or threatening. 

This documentation can be crucial if you ever need to seek legal help or a restraining order. 

Having detailed evidence can make the process smoother and reinforce the seriousness of your situation.

Documentation also serves as a personal reminder of why you set boundaries in the first place. 

When dealing with an obsessed ex, there may be moments of doubt or guilt, especially if you once cared deeply for them. 

Reviewing their actions in black and white can help you stay grounded in your decision to move on and maintain distance.

Furthermore, maintaining a record can help in discussions with law enforcement or legal professionals, should things escalate to that point. 

It provides a clear, unambiguous account of what you’ve been dealing with, making it easier for them to understand and assist you effectively.

4. Avoid Shared Spaces

Boyfriend acting distant but says he loves me

Minimizing the chances of running into your ex can significantly reduce stress and potential conflicts. 

If there are places you both frequent, consider altering your routine or finding new spots for your activities. This might mean changing your gym, shopping at different stores, or choosing a new hangout spot with friends. 

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While adjusting your routine might seem inconvenient at first, the peace of mind it brings can be well worth it.

By avoiding shared spaces, you also give yourself the physical and emotional room to heal and move on. It’s tough to get over someone when you’re constantly worried about bumping into them. 

Creating physical distance helps in creating emotional distance as well, allowing you to focus on your well-being and personal growth.

Additionally, this approach reduces the likelihood of spontaneous emotional or uncomfortable encounters that could set back your progress. 

It’s an important step in regaining control over your life and ensuring that you’re moving forward in a positive direction, free from unwanted intrusions.

5. Change Your Contact Information

If your ex continues to contact you despite clear boundaries, changing your phone number and email address can be an effective measure. 

It’s a definitive way to cut off their access to you and signal that you’re serious about ending all forms of communication. 

Inform only a select group of trusted friends and family about your new contact details to prevent your ex from obtaining them through mutual connections.

This step might seem drastic, but it can bring a sense of relief and security, knowing that your ex can no longer reach you directly. It’s also a clear message to your ex that you’re taking steps to move on with your life and that they should do the same. 

The peace of mind that comes from not anticipating unwanted messages or calls is often worth the initial inconvenience of updating your contact information.

Moreover, this action can help you make a fresh start. It’s an opportunity to reassess who has access to your personal life and build a more controlled, peaceful environment for yourself. 

While it requires some adjustment, the benefits of reclaiming your privacy and sense of security are significant.

6. Stay Active and Social

Keeping busy with activities and maintaining a social life are vital strategies for moving on from any relationship, especially one with an obsessed ex. 

Engaging in hobbies, exercise, or new interests can not only distract you from any unwanted thoughts or feelings but also boost your mood and self-esteem. 

Surrounding yourself with friends and engaging in positive experiences reinforces your support network and reminds you of life beyond the relationship.

Socializing can also help you reestablish your sense of normalcy and independence. 

Meeting new people and making new memories is a powerful way to put distance between your current life and the one you had with your ex. 

It’s also a reminder that you have control over your happiness and well-being.

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Additionally, staying active and involved in your community can offer a sense of purpose and belonging that might have been diminished by the end of the relationship. 

Whether it’s volunteering, joining a club, or participating in group fitness classes, these activities can help you rebuild your identity separate from your past relationship and contribute to your overall recovery and happiness.

Why Would An Ex Be Obsessed With You?

Why Would An Ex Be Obsessed With You?

Sometimes, an ex might find it hard to accept that the relationship is over. 

They might still have strong feelings for you and hope that things can go back to how they were. 

This can make them act in ways that seem obsessive, like constantly texting, calling, or even showing up places where they expect to see you. 

They might be struggling with their own emotions and not know how to deal with the breakup.

Another reason could be that they’re not used to being without you. If you were a big part of each other’s lives, your ex might feel lost and think that trying to stay close to you will make things better. 

They might also be scared of facing life without you and believe that keeping in touch is a way to avoid feeling lonely or sad. 

It’s important to understand these reasons not to justify their behavior but to handle the situation with empathy and firmness.

How to Set Boundaries With An Obsessive Ex

Setting boundaries with an obsessive ex means being clear about what you’re okay with and what you’re not. 

Start by telling them in a straightforward way that you need space and that certain behaviors—like calling you all the time or showing up uninvited—are not acceptable. 

Be firm in your conversation so they understand you’re serious. Remember, it’s okay to ask for what you need to feel comfortable and safe.

After you’ve told them your boundaries, stick to them. If you said no contact, don’t respond to their messages or calls. This consistency helps reinforce your message that you’re moving on. 

If they keep crossing the line, you might need to take stronger steps like blocking their number or even getting help from a trusted adult if you feel unsafe. 

Setting boundaries is about protecting your peace and making it clear that you’re committed to looking after your well-being.

[Related: 2 Months Of No Contact, Does Your Ex Miss You?]

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