10 Psychological Tricks Guaranteed To Make Any Man Want You

The “psychological tricks” we’ll discuss in this article aren’t about deceit...

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The “psychological tricks” we’ll discuss in this article aren’t about deceit or manipulation. But they work really well because they’re deeply rooted in tested psychological principles and human nature itself. 

They are small, often subconscious actions and behaviors that humans naturally respond to. Think of them as the secret ingredients in the recipe of attraction. 

They’re little things that, when understood and applied correctly, can make a big difference in how someone perceives you. 

This article is tailored specifically for those looking to understand the male psyche better (but it works well regardless of gender). 

Maybe you’re wanting to get closer to a friend or deepen the connection with your partner. Or perhaps, you’re just curious about what makes men tick when it comes to attraction. 

Whatever your reason, I’ve gathered some proven psychological tricks that are guaranteed to make any man take notice and feel drawn to you.

1. Use His Name Intentionally When You’re Interacting With Him

It’s no secret, hearing our names said back to us is one of the sweetest sounds to our ears. 

Dale Carnegie talked all about it in his infamous book, How to Win Friends and Influence People. In his words

“Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.”

Psychologically speaking, this is rooted in our desire for recognition and individuality. When you use a man’s name intentionally during a conversation, you create a direct, personal connection with him. 

It makes him feel seen, unique, and acknowledged. Think about the times someone has remembered and used your name; it just feels nice, right?

Dropping his name in the conversation isn’t just about making it more personal; it also gets his attention. According to studies, our brains are naturally wired to respond to our names. 

So, mentioning his name can literally make his ears perk up, drawing him into the conversation even more. It’s a small touch, but oh-so-effective.

Now, don’t overdo it, or it might come off as insincere. But pepper it into the chat, especially at the start or when emphasizing a point. It subtly reinforces the bond and understanding between the two of you. 

All in all, names hold power. They resonate with our identity, and by using his name, you’re subtly tapping into that.

[Related: 16 Physical Things To Do With Your Boyfriend]

2. Use Compliments (Occasionally)

Psychological Tricks To Make Any Man Want You

Everyone enjoys a genuine compliment. It gives us a little boost of confidence, doesn’t it? 

But why does it work so well?

According to psychologists, compliments tap into our need for validation and positive reinforcement. When you give a man a sincere compliment, it can make him feel valued and appreciated. 

This in turn, naturally draws him towards the source of that positive feeling – which in this case, would be you.

However, here’s a catch. Compliments work best when they’re occasional and genuine. 

Bombarding someone with praise can come off as fake or trying too hard. But when you genuinely notice something praiseworthy about him and voice it out, it becomes meaningful.

See also  What Does It Mean When A Guy Calls You Princess?

Another fun fact: giving compliments can also make you feel good. There’s a psychological phenomenon where making someone else happy can elevate your own mood. So, it’s a win-win. 

You feel great making someone else feel great. Keep them genuine, sprinkle them here and there, and watch the magic unfold.

3. Ask Him For A Favour

This one’s pretty interesting. Ever heard of the Ben Franklin effect? The legendary Benjamin Franklin observed that when someone does a favor for another, the one doing the favor tends to like the person they helped more

Yep, you read that right. By asking a man for a small favor, you might just end up making him feel more positively towards you.

It boils down to cognitive dissonance. Basically, our brains don’t like when our actions and beliefs are out of sync. 

So if he’s helping you out, his brain rationalizes it by thinking he must like you. Strange but true. Of course, the key is in keeping the favor small and reasonable. You don’t want to come off as demanding or taking advantage.

Furthermore, asking for assistance can also show vulnerability, which can foster a deeper connection.

[Also read: 16 Psychological Tricks That Will Make Him Miss You]

4. Ask Him Questions About Himself

We all love talking about ourselves. It’s not vanity; it’s human nature. But why does it feel so good? 

Sharing about oneself and being listened to meets our basic need for understanding and connection. When you ask a man questions about himself, you’re giving him an opportunity to share, be heard, and connect.

And when he starts sharing, listen intently, respond appropriately, and show genuine interest. This can create a bond of trust and understanding. 

He will not only appreciate that someone is genuinely interested in his life and experiences but will also likely want to spend more time with the person who makes him feel valued and heard.

Additionally, asking questions shows that you’re not self-centered and that you care about getting to know him on a deeper level. It’s about building a two-way street of sharing and understanding. 

5. Find Common Grounds to Bond Over Whenever You Interact

Let’s be real, there’s a comfort in familiarity. It feels good when we realize that someone loves the same weird things as we do. It makes us feel validated, secure, and also special. It’s a feeling we can all relate with. 

Finding this common ground majorly falls on how much interested you are in him. You can’t fake it. When you’re interested in someone , you eventually find common grounds and shared interests without even realizing it. 

Sharing an interest or opinion can create that “me too!” moment. Those little shared moments or inside jokes can make conversations light and enjoyable. Plus, it’s a great way to discover new facets of each other.

See also  When A Guy Tells You To Smile: Meaning And How To Respond 

But what if you have no shared interests? No worries. Being curious and showing an eagerness to learn about his passions can be just as effective. People love sharing their passions, and who knows, you might discover a new interest for yourself!

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6. Teach Him Something

Teaching isn’t just for the classroom. In relationships and friendships, it can be a powerful tool. Here’s how: 

The act of teaching, at its core, is a sharing of knowledge. And sharing? Well, that’s a beautiful way to connect. Psychologically, this interaction positions you as someone valuable, someone with something special to offer.

There’s an undeniable pride in having a skill or knowledge about something. And the beauty of sharing that? You’re letting someone into a piece of your world. 

Whether it’s your killer guacamole recipe, tips for a better workout, or even a cool phone app, sharing a piece of wisdom can be a treat.

On the flip side, him being the student allows him to see your passion and expertise. It adds depth to your character and can be quite attractive. After all, who doesn’t love someone who’s passionate about something and eager to share?

7. A Bit of Mystery Always Works

svetlanasokolova from freepik

Mystery can be incredibly intriguing. Think about your favorite book or movie; isn’t the allure of the unknown one of the things that keeps you hooked? 

Similarly, in personal interactions, a little mystery can pique curiosity. The human brain is naturally inclined to seek out the unknown, to solve puzzles, and to explore mysteries.

Having a bit of mystery means you don’t lay out every detail of your life from the get-go. You leave some stories for later, some experiences to be discovered over time. 

This ensures that each interaction brings something new to the table, something more to learn about you.

Maintaining a sense of mystery isn’t about playing games or being inauthentic. It’s merely allowing the relationship to unfold organically, rather than rushing. Think of it like reading a gripping novel one chapter at a time instead of skipping to the end.

It’s a balance, revealing bits over time, keeping the intrigue alive.

[Interesting: Make Her Fall For You: 12 Weaknesses Of Women Every Man Should Know]

8. Ask For His Advice On Something

Seeking advice isn’t just about getting another perspective; it’s a sign of respect. It means you value his opinion and experience. 

For a man, this acknowledgement ticks that need to be respected that is so deeply rooted in him. It can boost his self-esteem and give them a sense of purpose in your life.

By approaching him for counsel, you’re subtly indicating that you see him as wise or knowledgeable in a particular area. This can be flattering and also gives him a chance to shine. 

It can be as simple as seeking book recommendations, career insights, or thoughts on a personal challenge you’re facing.

Remember the feeling when someone approached you for advice? It feels good to be acknowledged for your wisdom or experience in a certain domain. Give him that feeling, and you’ll be creating a bond of trust and mutual respect.

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On the plus side, this strategy often leads to a deeper conversation. Advice often leads to sharing personal experiences or stories, which in turn can lead to more understanding and bonding. 

9. Keep Eye Contacts Just a Few Seconds Longer

wayhomestudio from freepik

There’s immense power in holding someone’s gaze just a tad longer than usual. Why?

Extended eye contact is perceived as a sign of genuine interest and attention. When you hold his gaze, you silently convey a level of intimacy and understanding.

Ever noticed how you can communicate intense emotions without uttering a word, just through your eyes? 

A slightly extended eye contact can hint at curiosity, interest, or even affection. It’s a non-verbal way of saying, “I’m here with you, in this moment.” And it’s an undeniable show of how confident you are.

Of course, it’s crucial for eye contact to feel natural. Overdoing it can come across as staring, which might make things awkward. But just the right amount? It creates a magnetic pull, an unspoken bond that’s hard to resist.

[Interesting: 15 Subconscious Things Men Do When They Truly Love You]

10. Show You Care About Him

Actions speak louder than words, and showing someone you care can be more impactful than just telling them. 

Though modern dating will often push the narrative of playing hard to get and letting people chase you, knowing someone genuinely cares about you brings a sense of security and warmth. 

Emotionally healthy people naturally gravitate towards those who genuinely make them feel valued and understood. It’s really that simple. 

But what does showing you care entail? It’s the little things. Listening intently, remembering the small details he shares, or even a simple gesture like making him a cup of coffee the way he likes. 

Psychologically, these acts resonate deeply because they signify thoughtfulness and effort.

Imagine this: He casually mentioned his favorite childhood candy. Weeks later, you come across it and decide to buy it for him. This small gesture will probably mean a lot more to him than any grand act. 

Why? Because it shows you listen, remember, and take action based on what he shared.

Showing you care isn’t just about grand gestures or gifts. Often, it’s about being there. 

Being a shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen, or just a presence to sit in silence with. These moments, these acts of genuine care, solidify the bond between two people.

Bringing It All Together 

A glimpse into the world of attraction and human nature can make a big difference. 

But always bear in mind, it’s not just about using tricks to catch someone’s attention. It’s about understanding them, connecting on a deeper level, and building a bond that’s genuine. Let these strategies guide you, but let your heart lead the way.

[Read: 16 Signs A Guy Admires You]

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