12 Signs Of A Two-Faced Friend

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Friendship is very important in our lives. A good friend is someone who helps us, listens to us, and stands by us in good and bad times. 

However, not all friends are true and honest. Some friends may pretend to be nice but actually, they are not. They may talk nicely in front of us but say bad things behind our back. 

These types of friends are often called “two-faced” friends. It is important to know the signs of a two-faced friend so that we can be careful and protect ourselves.

In this article, we will talk about different signs that show a friend might be two-faced. We will discuss how two-faced friends behave and how they can affect us. 

By understanding these signs, we can learn to choose our friends wisely and build strong, honest friendships. This article aims to help everyone, especially young people, to identify two-faced friends and make better choices in their social circles.

What Does It Mean For Someone To Be Two-Faced?

When someone is described as two-faced, it means they are not genuine and show different aspects of their personality to different people or in various situations. 

It’s like they wear a mask, presenting a pleasant, friendly, and supportive face to you directly, but then they may speak ill of you or act contrary to their words when you are not around. 

Their actions and words don’t align, creating a sense of deceit and unreliability around them. 

This behavior often stems from a desire to manipulate situations or people to their advantage, maintain their image, or navigate social dynamics in a way that benefits them the most.

How Do You Know A Friend Is Two-Faced?

How Do You Know A Friend Is Two-Faced?

1. They Are Manipulative

Manipulation can sometimes be hard to spot, especially when it’s coming from a friend. 

A two-faced friend often uses manipulation to get what they want, no matter the cost to you. They’re skilled at pulling the strings without you even realizing it.

This can manifest in various ways. Maybe they guilt-trip you into doing things, or perhaps they’re experts at playing the victim, making you feel like you have to help them. 

They have a knack for making everything seem like it’s your responsibility, even when it’s not.

Their manipulative tactics can leave you feeling drained, as you bend over backward trying to keep them happy. 

You start to lose sight of your own needs because you’re so caught up in catering to theirs.

Dealing with manipulative people requires a strong sense of self and clear boundaries. Don’t be afraid to say no and stand up for yourself. 

2. They Only Care About Themselves

A two-faced friend often has a me-first attitude, putting their own needs and wants above everyone else’s. 

You might start to notice that your conversations are always about them, and they rarely take the time to ask about you or your life.

It doesn’t matter what’s going on with you; somehow, they manage to turn the conversation back to themselves. 

They’re not interested in your problems or successes unless it directly affects them or provides them with an opportunity to talk about themselves.

This kind of selfishness can make the friendship feel one-sided and exhausting. You’re putting in all the effort while getting very little in return.

Always speak up and express your needs. And if the behavior continues, it might be time to reevaluate whether this friendship is worth your energy.

[Related: 6 Signs Of A Toxic Friendship You Shouldn’t Ignore]

3. They Are Quick to Betray You

A two-faced friend is not someone you can trust, and this becomes all too clear when you find yourself betrayed by them. 

Perhaps they’ve gone behind your back, made plans without you, or shared something private about you with others.

The betrayal can sting, especially because it often comes out of the blue. You thought you could trust them, but their actions prove otherwise. 

They seem to have no qualms about betraying you if it benefits them in some way.

Dealing with betrayal is tough, and it can leave you feeling hurt and confused. You might start to question your judgment and wonder how you could have misread the situation so badly.

The key here is to remember your worth. You deserve friends who treat you with respect and loyalty. 

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Don’t be afraid to cut ties with someone who has betrayed you. Your well-being is more important than any friendship.

4. They Are Never Truly Happy for You

And here’s another sign to watch out for: a two-faced friend finds it hard to be genuinely happy for you. 

When you share your successes or good news, their congratulations often feel forced or insincere.

You might notice a hint of jealousy in their voice or see it in their eyes. They can’t hide their displeasure at your success, and it’s because they see your achievements as a threat to their own worth.

This behavior can leave you feeling unsupported and hesitant to share your good news with them in the future. 

You deserve to have friends who celebrate your successes, not ones who are threatened by them.

So, remember, choose your friends wisely. Surround yourself with positive influences, and don’t be afraid to step back from friendships that bring you down.

[Also read: 6 Traits of Subtly Toxic Friends]

5. They Act Differently Around Different People

Have you ever noticed your friend being super nice to you when you’re alone but the moment someone else joins in, their attitude takes a 180-degree turn? 

It’s like they have a mask for different occasions. 

One day, they’re your biggest supporter, laughing at your jokes, and the next day, they barely acknowledge your presence if there’s someone else in the room they want to impress. It’s quite a baffling experience.

It’s not about them having different facets to their personality, which is normal for most people. It’s more about them showing a level of insincerity in their interactions. 

You begin to feel like you never really know which version of your friend is going to show up. And honestly, that inconsistency can be quite draining.

And here’s the kicker, they tend to be extra sweet and considerate when they want something from you. 

Their niceness comes with strings attached. They know the right buttons to push, making you feel special and valued, but only till they get what they want.

The best way to deal with such a chameleon friend is to observe their behavior over time and talk to them about it when you feel ready. 

Verbalizing your concerns can sometimes clear up misunderstandings, but other times, it might just confirm your suspicions.

6. They’re Only Around in Good Times

We all go through ups and downs, and a true friend sticks with you through both. But a two-faced friend? They’re conspicuously absent when things get tough. 

They’re great at celebrating your successes, but the moment you hit a rough patch, they’re nowhere to be found.

They seem to be attracted to the fun, easy times, but they bail when you need support. Their commitment to the friendship seems to depend on how much fun or benefit they’re getting out of it.

This can leave you feeling unsupported and isolated in tough times. You start to realize that their friendship is fair-weather at best.

In these situations, it’s crucial to have a reliable support network of friends and family. 

Don’t rely solely on this fair-weather friend, and make sure you have people in your life who are there for you no matter what.

[Interesting: 7 Major Reasons Why Friends Betray]

7. They Love Gossiping About Others 

Sign of two-faced friend

Have you got a friend who always has the latest scoop on everyone? Sure, a little gossip here and there can be harmless, but pay attention to how much of your conversation is dominated by talking about others. 

A two-faced friend often thrives on gossip and drama, and they seem to know something about everyone.

But here’s where it gets interesting, they don’t just stop at sharing gossip. They love to add their own twist to the story, often exaggerating details to make it more juicy. 

And if they’re gossiping about others to you, chances are, they’re gossiping about you to others as well.

It’s not that they necessarily enjoy seeing people in unfortunate situations, but it gives them a sense of importance to be the bearer of news. 

They love being in the know, and they use this information to create a narrative that suits them.

What can you do in this situation? It might be tempting to get wrapped up in the stories, but try to steer the conversation to more positive topics. 

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Encourage your friend to see the good in people and situations, and be mindful of not contributing to the gossip.

8. Their Support Is Conditional

Ever noticed how your friend is all cheers and high-fives when things are going great for you, but the moment you hit a rough patch, they’re nowhere to be seen? 

A two-faced friend tends to be around only when the weather is fair. Their support comes with conditions, and if you’re not meeting their expectations, their enthusiasm for your friendship quickly wanes.

In good times, they’re your biggest cheerleader, making you feel like you can conquer the world. But in tough times, their true colors show. 

You start to notice that their support is not as steadfast as you once believed. They might even start distancing themselves from you, making excuses not to hang out or be there when you need them.

This is not to say that they’re entirely bad people. They might not even realize they’re doing it. 

But the pattern is clear – their support is not reliable. And in a friendship, reliability is key.

So, how do you handle a friend like this? It’s important to have a support system of people who are there for you through thick and thin. 

Don’t put all your emotional eggs in one basket, and make sure you have a network of friends who you can rely on.

[Also read: 7 Strong Signs Your Friend Is Emotionally Manipulative]

9. They’re Quick to Point Out Your Flaws

We all have that one friend who seems to have a knack for pointing out what’s wrong. But a two-faced friend takes this to a whole new level. 

They’re not just giving constructive criticism; they’re quick to highlight your flaws and shortcomings, often making snide remarks that leave you feeling down.

They seem to take a strange pleasure in bringing up your mistakes, and they’re not doing it to help you improve. It’s more about making themselves feel superior. 

You start to notice that their comments are not coming from a place of love and concern, but rather from a place of judgment and criticism.

What’s even more perplexing is that they might act like they’re doing you a favor by pointing out your flaws. 

They might say things like, “I’m just being honest” or “I’m telling you this because I care.” But true friends lift you up, they don’t bring you down.

Dealing with a friend like this requires a strong sense of self. Don’t let their comments get to you. And if the behavior continues, it might be worth reevaluating the friendship.

10. They’re Competitive, Not Cooperative

A two-faced friend often sees relationships as a game of one-upmanship. 

They’re not interested in mutual success or celebrating your achievements together. Instead, they seem to be in constant competition with you, even if it’s unspoken.

This competition can manifest in various ways. They might downplay your successes, act jealous, or even try to sabotage you. 

They seem unable to be genuinely happy for you without feeling like they’re losing out in some way.

Their competitive nature makes the friendship feel strained. Instead of feeling like you’re on the same team, it feels like you’re opponents. And that’s just not what friendship is supposed to be about.

The best way to handle this? Focus on your own journey and don’t get sucked into the competition. 

11. They Share Your Secrets

Trust is a crucial component of any friendship, but with a two-faced friend, your secrets are never safe. They have a tendency to share your personal information with others, breaking your trust and violating your privacy.

You might notice this when information you shared in confidence somehow becomes common knowledge among your social circle. 

It leaves you feeling betrayed and wondering who you can really trust.

These friends justify their behavior by saying they were just concerned about you or thought someone else could help. 

But the bottom line is they broke your trust. And once trust is broken, it’s hard to rebuild.

To protect yourself, be mindful of what you share with this friend. And don’t be afraid to address the issue directly, letting them know how their betrayal has affected you.

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12. Their Compliments Feel Backhanded

Ever receive a compliment that left you feeling worse than before? That’s a specialty of two-faced friends. They have a knack for giving compliments that are actually thinly veiled criticisms.

These backhanded compliments are confusing. You find yourself wondering if they’re being nice or mean, and it can mess with your head. 

For instance, they might say something like, “congratulations, you finally have a job, even if it isn’t the best one, at least you have something.” 

Their words leave you feeling like you’ve just been insulted, even though they’re smiling and pretending to be supportive. It’s passive-aggressive behavior at its finest.

When dealing with backhanded compliments, try not to let them get to you. Remember that this says more about them than it does about you. Focus on the positive people in your life who lift you up with genuine kindness.

How Do You Deal With a Two-Faced Friend?

1. Recognition and Acceptance

First and foremost, you’ve got to recognize the signs and come to terms with the fact that your friend might not be as genuine as they appear. Pay attention to their actions, especially when they think you’re not looking. 

Do they talk about others behind their backs? Chances are, they’re doing the same to you. Accepting this reality, as harsh as it might be, is the crucial first step in dealing with a two-faced friend.

2. Stay Calm and Collected

Next, keep your cool. It’s easy to fly off the handle when you feel betrayed, but that won’t solve anything. Take a deep breath and give yourself time to process everything. 

This space will allow you to approach the situation with a clear mind, ensuring you don’t say or do anything you might regret later. 

Reflect on the friendship, think about specific instances that raised red flags, and prepare yourself for a candid conversation.

3. Communicate Your Feelings

Once you’re ready, it’s time to have a heart-to-heart. Choose a quiet, comfortable place for this chat, away from prying eyes and ears. 

Express your feelings calmly and clearly, providing specific examples of their two-faced behavior if possible. 

4. Set Boundaries

Establishing clear boundaries is crucial. Let them know what is acceptable behavior and what isn’t, and stick to your guns. If they truly value your friendship, they’ll respect these boundaries. 

Remember, you have every right to protect your emotional well-being. Don’t be afraid to stand firm and assertive; after all, your feelings matter.

5. Reevaluate the Friendship

Now, it’s time for some introspection. Ask yourself: Is this friendship worth saving? Consider their reaction to your conversation, and observe if their behavior changes over time. 

If they make an effort to change, that’s a good sign. But if the two-faced behavior continues, it might be time to distance yourself. You deserve friends who treat you with respect and honesty.

6. Know When to Walk Away

If, despite your efforts, the toxic behavior continues, it might be time to cut ties. Surrounding yourself with positive influences is essential, and there’s no room for deceitful friends in a healthy social circle. 

Letting go of a friend is never easy, but sometimes it’s necessary for your own well-being. Remember, you deserve authentic relationships, and there’s a whole world of genuine people out there ready to befriend you.

7. Learn and Grow

Take this experience as an opportunity to grow. Reflect on what you’ve learned, and use this knowledge in your future friendships. 

Recognize the red flags early on, and don’t be afraid to establish boundaries right from the start. You’ve got this!

[Read: How to Handle A Manipulative Person]

The Takeaway 

Knowing the signs of a two-faced friend is very important because it helps us to be careful and choose our friends wisely. 

True friends are those who stand by you, support you, and are honest with you. Surround yourself with these kinds of friends and stay away from those who are not honest and true. Remember, it’s better to have a few true friends than many fake ones.

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