10 Signs Someone Only Cares About Themselves

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In this article, we’re going to talk about people who seem to only care about themselves. 

You know, the ones who are always the star of their own show, and everyone else is just a side character.

They’re the people who always talk about themselves, who don’t listen when you’re speaking, and who always put their needs first.

But why do we need to talk about them? Well, understanding these people can help us deal better with them. 

Sometimes, they’re our friends, family members, colleagues, or even bosses. 

Knowing what makes them tick can help us set boundaries, protect our mental health, and improve our relationships. 

That said, here are signs someone only cares about themselves.

1. They Constantly Talk About Themselves

You’ll notice that a conversation with this person usually revolves around one person: them. 

No matter where the conversation starts, the end point is always their experiences, their achievements, and their stories. 

They show little interest in hearing about your life, your accomplishments, or your challenges. 

There is an unwavering spotlight on their own experiences, thoughts, and feelings, while everyone else’s experiences become mere side notes.

What’s equally concerning is their consistent failure to acknowledge your experiences. 

When you share an accomplishment or recount a challenging event, they either brush it aside or divert the conversation back to themselves. 

It might seem as though they’re using their experiences to connect with you, but in reality, it’s just another opportunity for them to take center stage.

Their habitual pattern of steering the conversation towards themselves often leaves others feeling unheard and unimportant. 

Relationships are all about reciprocity. Sharing experiences, listening, and validating each other’s feelings is necessary for healthy relationships. 

When this reciprocity is lacking, it’s a clear sign of self-centered behavior.

Their “me-centric” worldview not only inhibits the growth of healthy relationships but also signals a lack of empathy for others. 

[Related: 6 Signs Someone is a Narcissist]

2. They Rarely Show Genuine Empathy

signs someone only cares about themselves

Speaking of empathy, its scarcity is another telling sign. Self-absorbed people often struggle to express genuine empathy. 

Their emotional radar isn’t usually tuned into others’ feelings. 

They might not show any concern when you’re going through a hard time, or worse, they might dismiss your feelings as unimportant.

A lack of empathy often stems from their inability to look beyond their personal sphere. 

Because they’re so engrossed in their own life, they find it difficult to acknowledge and validate the experiences of others. 

This indifference is not only hurtful, but it can also isolate you and leave you feeling emotionally unsupported.

It’s also important not to mistake this lack of empathy for intentional cruelty. In most cases, their self-centeredness blinds them to the effects of their behavior on others. 

They’re not deliberately trying to hurt you; rather, they’re oblivious to the fact that their actions might be causing pain.

In a strange way, their inability to empathize becomes a reflection of their self-absorption. 

It’s not that they don’t care about others; it’s just that they’re so engrossed in their world that they struggle to step out and view things from a different perspective.

3. They Don’t Recognize or Respect Boundaries

Boundaries? What boundaries? To someone who only cares about themselves, boundaries might as well be invisible. 

They’re likely to impose their will on you, disregarding your comfort, your priorities, and your needs. 

The line between your personal space and theirs becomes blurred as they feel entitled to intrude.

When this person wants something, they want it now. Patience and understanding take a backseat, while their wants and needs drive their actions. 

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They may take liberties with your time, your space, and even your belongings without asking for your consent or acknowledging the inconvenience they might be causing.

Their disregard for boundaries is also reflected in their inability to accept a ‘no’. Your refusal is seen as a challenge to their wishes, rather than a boundary you have set for yourself. 

They may try to pressure, manipulate, or guilt-trip you into agreeing with them, demonstrating a clear lack of respect for your choices.

This consistent disregard for boundaries doesn’t only infringe upon your rights, it also reveals their inherent belief: their needs, desires, and comfort supersede everyone else’s. 

And that’s a classic trait of a self-centered person.

[Also read: 10 Signs Your Friend Doesn’t Value You]

4. They Always Need to Be Right

When a guy only cares about himself

You know someone who only cares about themselves when they’re always right – at least in their mind. 

Being wrong is not in their vocabulary. Regardless of how rational your argument is, or how many facts you present, they’ll still insist on their version of the truth. 

They are not open to different perspectives or open to learning from others. It’s their way or the highway!

The need to be right all the time is rooted in their desire to maintain control. 

They believe that admitting to a mistake or acknowledging another viewpoint would undermine their authority or tarnish their image. 

It’s about maintaining their self-perceived superiority, even at the expense of the truth.

What’s even more concerning than their stubbornness is their tendency to argue relentlessly until they ‘win’. 

It’s not about finding a middle ground or understanding the other person’s perspective; it’s all about proving their point, even if it strains the relationship.

This unwillingness to be wrong often leads to unhealthy arguments and conflicts. 

5. They Often Ignore Your Needs

Whether you need emotional support, help with a task, or simply someone to listen, they seem to be elsewhere. 

It’s almost like they have a sixth sense that tells them when to disappear just when you could use a helping hand.

You might even find yourself second-guessing your needs. Are they too demanding? Are they too trivial? 

But the truth is, it’s not about the nature of your needs. It’s about their inability to put someone else’s needs above, or even equal to, their own.

Moreover, they might not even recognize your needs unless they align with their own interests. In a sense, your needs become invisible to them until and unless they serve their purpose. 

[Interesting: 7 Signs Of Narcissism, According to Psychologists]

6. They Constantly Criticize Others

Have you ever noticed how they seem to have a keen eye for other people’s flaws? From minor mistakes to personal choices, nothing seems to escape their critical radar. 

They have a knack for pointing out what’s wrong with others, often ignoring their own shortcomings.

The root of their criticism often lies in their need to feel superior. By highlighting others’ flaws, they attempt to position themselves on a pedestal. 

It’s not about constructive criticism aimed at helping others improve. Instead, it’s about pulling others down to elevate themselves.

It’s also worth noting that their criticism often extends beyond individuals to include rules, traditions, and societal norms. 

They believe that these conventions don’t apply to them because they see themselves as exceptional. This disdain for rules and norms can often lead to antisocial behavior and conflicts with others.

Their relentless criticism can create a negative atmosphere, causing stress for those around them. 

7. They Often Play the Victim

Despite their apparent confidence and assertiveness, self-centered people often resort to playing the victim. 

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When things go wrong, they are quick to blame others or circumstances, refusing to take responsibility for their actions. 

Somehow, they always end up being the ‘unfortunate victim’ of other people’s actions or life’s unfairness.

In essence, they use victimhood as a shield to avoid accountability. By blaming others, they maintain their self-image as flawless and always right. 

Acknowledging their mistakes or accepting responsibility would shatter this carefully crafted image.

Also, playing the victim enables them to manipulate others’ emotions. They seek sympathy and attention, reinforcing their self-centric narrative. 

It’s a way for them to remain in the spotlight, even when they’re in the wrong.

Unfortunately, this constant dodging of responsibility not only strains relationships but also hinders their personal growth. 

Refusing to acknowledge one’s mistakes prevents learning and growth, keeping them stuck in a cycle of self-absorption and blame-shifting.

[Read: “My Husband Only Talks About Himself.” What to Do About it]

8. They Are Manipulative

Manipulation is another tool in the arsenal of a self-centered individual. They have a knack for twisting situations, words, and even emotions to suit their needs. 

Subtle or overt, their manipulation tactics are designed to control others and maintain their superiority.

At times, they might use guilt-tripping, making you feel bad for not complying with their wishes. Other times, they might use flattery to get their way. 

Whatever the method, the goal remains the same: to control the narrative and sway things in their favor.

This constant manipulation can leave you feeling confused, guilty, and even doubting your perceptions. It’s their way of maintaining control and ensuring that things always go their way.

The sad part is, their manipulative tactics not only harm others but also prevent them from building genuine, healthy relationships. 

9. They Don’t Appreciate Others

How do you know if someone is self-centered?

Recognition and appreciation for others? That’s quite a rare phenomenon with self-centered individuals. They hardly acknowledge the efforts of others, let alone express gratitude. 

Their lens is so tightly focused on their contributions and achievements that they overlook the contributions of others.

This lack of appreciation often extends to the small acts of kindness that people do for them. 

A friend helping them with a task, a family member providing emotional support, a coworker staying late to help them meet a deadline – they tend to take such gestures for granted.

Moreover, they often view acts of kindness or support as their due. After all, they consider themselves exceptional, so naturally, they deserve the best from everyone around them. 

This entitlement can leave those around them feeling undervalued and unappreciated.

Ignoring the efforts and kindness of others not only strains relationships but also paints a pretty clear picture of their self-absorption. 

It tells you that their world revolves around them, and others are merely extras in their life’s drama.

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10. They Lack Genuine Interest in Others

A glaring sign of a self-centered individual is their lack of genuine interest in others. They hardly show curiosity about others’ lives, ideas, or feelings. 

Their indifference often manifests as lack of attention or engagement when others are talking about their experiences or sharing their thoughts.

A conversation with them can feel like a monologue rather than a dialogue. They talk, you listen. 

When it’s your turn to talk, their mind seems to wander elsewhere. They may even interrupt you to steer the conversation back to their favorite subject – themselves.

This lack of interest also becomes evident in their interactions with others. 

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They’re unlikely to remember personal details or important events in others’ lives unless it benefits them in some way. 

To them, other people’s experiences, thoughts, and feelings are not worth their time or attention.

Their lack of genuine interest in others speaks volumes about their self-centeredness. It shows that their world is populated by one person – themselves. 

Anyone else is merely an audience or a tool to serve their needs.

What kind of person only cares about themselves?

A person who only cares about themselves is typically described as self-centered or narcissistic. 

They have a high sense of self-importance and are mainly focused on their own needs, desires, and feelings. 

Often, they lack empathy for others, are unresponsive to others’ needs, and have an inflated sense of entitlement. 

They tend to dominate conversations, frequently talking about themselves while showing little interest in others. 

Their world revolves around their experiences, and they often have a hard time understanding or relating to other people’s perspectives.

However, it’s important to remember that people are complex. 

While these behaviors are typical of self-centered individuals, they might also reflect other underlying issues such as insecurity or low self-esteem. 

Someone who appears self-centered might be struggling with personal issues that compel them to act in a self-absorbed way. 

How do you know if someone is self-centered?

Some common signs of self-centeredness include a consistent focus on themselves, lack of empathy, disregard for others’ needs, frequent criticism of others, manipulation, and a strong desire to be right all the time. 

They often ignore or dismiss your feelings and needs, while their feelings and needs are always a priority.

A self-centered person might also show little appreciation for the help or kindness of others. They take things for granted and feel entitled to special treatment. 

Another sign could be their lack of genuine interest in others. They might not remember personal details or show interest in your experiences unless it benefits them in some way. 

These signs could suggest that you’re dealing with a self-centered person.

Is there a thing as self-centered personality disorder?

Is there a thing as self-centered personality disorder?

There’s a condition known as Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) that takes self-centeredness to an extreme. 

It’s a mental condition where people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. 

But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

NPD is a diagnosable mental disorder, and it goes beyond just being self-centered or vain. 

People with this disorder can cause significant distress to themselves and those around them due to their behaviors and attitudes. 

How do you deal with people who only care about themselves?

Dealing with self-centered people can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. 

The first step is setting clear boundaries. Let them know what behaviors you find acceptable and unacceptable. 

Practice assertive communication. Express your feelings and needs openly and honestly, without being aggressive or confrontational. 

Self-centered people may not realize the impact of their behavior on others, so it’s important to communicate how their actions make you feel.

Also, try not to take their behavior personally. Remember, their self-centeredness is about them, not you. 

Don’t let their lack of empathy or consideration undermine your self-esteem. Seek support from others who understand and validate your feelings. [Read more: How to Handle A Manipulative Person]

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