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Libras are all about balance and fairness, especially when it comes to relationships. They like it when things are calm and everyone gets along. 

But, some things can make a Libra pretty unhappy in a relationship. 

Just like anyone else, they have their pet peeves—things that bug them or make them feel uncomfortable

It’s important to know these things because it helps understand what makes a Libra tick and what could make them feel upset or sad.

In this article, we’re going to talk about the stuff Libras don’t like in relationships. 

Knowing these things can help make relationships better because it shows how to keep things smooth and happy with a Libra. 

1. Lack of Harmony

Libras crave balance and harmony in their relationships. When things get too chaotic or confrontational, it throws them off their game. 

They’re all about keeping the peace, so constant arguing or unresolved conflict can be a huge turn-off. 

Libras believe in fairness and will always try to see both sides of a story, so when things get too one-sided or when they feel like they’re always the ones making sacrifices, it doesn’t sit well with them.

This need for balance also means Libras hate being in a relationship where their partner refuses to compromise. 

They’re willing to go to great lengths to ensure both parties are happy, but if it feels like they’re the only ones trying, it can lead to feelings of resentment. 

A relationship without harmony feels unstable to a Libra, and they might start looking for a way out if things don’t improve.

2. Disrespect for Their Independence

what Libras hate

While Libras love being in a relationship, they also value their independence highly. 

They dislike partners who are overly possessive or controlling, feeling suffocated when they can’t make their own decisions or have their own space. 

Libras enjoy sharing their life with someone, but they don’t want to lose themselves in the process. 

A partner who tries to limit their freedom or who doesn’t trust them to have a life outside of the relationship will quickly push a Libra away.

Moreover, Libras have a strong sense of self and are attracted to others who respect that. 

They need a partner who understands that time apart is just as valuable as time together, allowing them to pursue their interests and maintain their individuality. 

When a partner fails to recognize this need, it can make a Libra feel trapped and lead to unhappiness in the relationship.

3. Negativity and Pessimism

Libras have a natural inclination towards positivity and often seek out the brighter side of life. Being around someone who constantly dwells on the negative or who is always pessimistic can be draining for them. 

They believe in possibilities and prefer to be around others who do the same. A partner who shoots down their dreams or who is always expecting the worst can quickly dampen a Libra’s spirits.

This dislike for negativity extends to how they handle problems in the relationship. Libras prefer constructive conversations and solutions rather than focusing on blame or what’s going wrong. 

They want a partner who can tackle issues with a positive outlook and work towards a happy resolution. 

When faced with constant negativity, a Libra may start to feel disconnected and disillusioned with the relationship.

4. Lack of Effort in Romance

Libras are hopeless romantics at heart and love the idea of love itself. This is why they adore being wooed and appreciate thoughtful gestures that show their partner is thinking of them. 

When a partner stops putting effort into the relationship or takes their affection for granted, it can be a major disappointment for a Libra. 

They don’t expect grandiose displays of love daily, but a little effort goes a long way in keeping the spark alive for them.

A relationship that lacks romance and effort feels stale to a Libra. 

They thrive on connection and intimacy, both emotional and physical, and when these elements are missing, they start to question the viability of the relationship. 

A Libra wants to feel cherished and valued, and a partner who can’t or won’t provide that level of attention might not be the right match for them in the long run.

5. Inconsistency and Unreliability

things Libras dislike in dating

An inconsistent partner, who is hot one day and cold the next, can leave a Libra feeling insecure and unsure about where they stand. Why?

Inconsistency goes against everything Libras believe in, as they see reliability as a cornerstone of trust and respect in a relationship.

Moreover, when plans are constantly changed or canceled without good reason, it sends a signal to Libras that they are not a priority. 

They understand that life can be unpredictable, but a pattern of unreliability shows a lack of consideration for their time and feelings. 

For a Libra, actions truly speak louder than words, and consistently failing to follow through on commitments can be a deal-breaker.

6. Superficiality and Lack of Depth

While Libras have a love for beauty and aesthetics, they also crave deep, meaningful connections in their relationships. 

A partner who is only focused on superficial things, like looks or material possessions, without a desire to connect on a deeper emotional or intellectual level, can be a major turn-off. 

Libras seek a partner who is willing to explore the complexities of life and love, someone who values personal growth and understands the importance of emotional vulnerability.

A relationship that lacks depth feels unfulfilling to a Libra. They enjoy conversations that go beyond the surface, discussing dreams, fears, and everything in between. 

A partner who avoids these deeper discussions or who doesn’t appreciate the nuances of a thoughtful exchange will struggle to maintain a Libra’s interest. 

For them, true intimacy is built on shared vulnerability and emotional connection, not just physical attraction or social status.

7. Dishonesty and Secrets

A partner who lies, even about small things, or keeps secrets is bound to upset a Libra deeply. 

They might start to question what else is being hidden from them, leading to doubts about the entire relationship. 

For Libras, trust once broken is hard to repair, and dishonesty can be a slippery slope to losing their respect and affection.

Libras prefer dealing with uncomfortable truths over being kept in the dark. They are understanding and can handle challenges, but only if they’re aware of them. 

A relationship where a partner isn’t truthful or forthcoming can feel lonely and disconnected for a Libra. 

They need to feel included and respected enough to be trusted with the truth, regardless of how difficult it might be to share.

8. Over-Dominance and Lack of Partnership

dating a Libra

Libras are all about equality and partnership in a relationship. They shy away from dynamics where one partner tries to dominate or control the other. 

A partner who insists on having things their way all the time, without considering a Libra’s opinions or feelings, will quickly find themselves at odds with Libra’s fundamental beliefs. 

Libras seek a relationship where both partners have an equal say and where decisions are made together, reflecting a true partnership.

This need for equality extends to sharing responsibilities and supporting each other’s ambitions. 

A partner who expects a Libra to follow their lead without question, or who doesn’t support a Libra’s goals, is likely to cause friction. 

Libras believe that both partners should uplift and empower each other, striving for mutual success and happiness. 

A relationship that lacks this sense of shared purpose and support doesn’t align with a Libra’s vision of a balanced and harmonious partnership.


What do Libras hate in a relationship?

Libras really don’t like it when things are out of balance or when there’s a lot of arguing. 

They hate feeling like they’re not being listened to and dislike it when someone is too controlling or doesn’t let them have their own space. 

Libras want to feel like they’re part of a team, where both people treat each other fairly and make decisions together.

Do Libras struggle with love?

Yes, sometimes Libras do struggle with love. They’re known for being indecisive, which can make it hard for them to figure out what they want in a relationship. 

They also really dislike conflict, so they might stay in a situation that’s not great for them just to avoid arguments. 

But when Libras find the right person who understands their need for balance and harmony, they’re incredibly loving and committed partners.

Why are Libras hard to date?

Libras can be hard to date because they’re all about balance and fairness, and they can be pretty indecisive. 

They like to weigh all their options before making a decision, which can be frustrating for someone who’s more decisive. 

Plus, since they hate conflict, they might not be upfront about what’s bothering them, making it hard for their partner to understand how to make things right.

How do Libras show love?

Libras show love by doing their best to make their partner happy and keep everything balanced. 

They’re very thoughtful and enjoy making romantic gestures, like planning special dates or giving little gifts that show they care. 

They’re also great listeners and always there to support their partner. For a Libra, making sure their relationship is peaceful and loving is the best way to show their love.

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Anita Oge

Meet Anita, a relationship writer with a passion for helping people navigate the complexities of love and dating. With a background in information science, she has a wealth of knowledge and insight to share. Her writing is sure to leave you feeling empowered and inspired.

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