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Most guys often use the phrase “do whatever you want” in a tense or frustrating situation. But that’s not all there is to it. 

This phrase can carry different meanings, depending on the context and the guy’s tone, body language, and the situation. It’s not always as straightforward as it seems, and understanding these subtleties can be quite helpful in a relationship.

The key is to look beyond just the words and consider how he’s acting when he says it. Here are five things it could mean when a guy says “do whatever you want.”

What It Means When A Guy Says “Do Whatever You Want”

“Do Whatever You Want” meaning from a guy

1. He’s Feeling Indifferent or Disinterested

Most times people use the phrase, “do whatever you want”, it’s often used to signal indifference. 

It might mean he’s not particularly invested in the matter at hand, or he doesn’t feel strongly about it. 

You can spot this when he seems disconnected from the conversation, maybe not making eye contact or showing much emotion. His tone is neutral, and he’s not offering any suggestions.

In this case, his body language might be dismissive, like shrugging or turning away slightly. He doesn’t engage much with the topic and seems more interested in other things. 

2. He’s Frustrated or Giving Up on the Argument

Another possibility is that “do whatever you want” comes from a place of frustration. This usually happens during an argument. 

One way to know this is the case is through his tone of voice; it might be sharp, terse, or have a hint of annoyance. He might avoid further discussion, indicating he’s fed up with the conversation or feels like he’s not being heard.

His body language might be closed off, like crossing arms or avoiding eye contact. He could be sighing heavily or showing signs of irritation. 

This response often suggests a need to step back and address underlying issues in the conversation or relationship.

3. He’s Trying to Avoid Responsibility or Decision-Making

In some cases, the phrase can mean he’s trying to avoid taking responsibility. It’s like he’s putting the ball entirely in your court so that he doesn’t have to deal with the consequences. 

You’ll notice he’s quick to remove himself from the discussion or decision-making process. He doesn’t offer any input or seem interested in discussing options.

His demeanor might be overly casual or unconcerned. He’s not asking questions or showing interest in what your decision might be. 

This can sometimes feel like he’s not fully engaged in the relationship or the issues that matter to both of you.

4. He’s Testing Your Decision-Making

Sometimes, a guy might tell you to do whatever you want as a way to test your decision-making. 

He wants to see what you’ll choose when given complete freedom. This is tricky to recognize, but clues lie in how he reacts to your decision afterward. 

He may be curious and ask questions about why you chose what you did, or he might observe your decision-making process.

This isn’t necessarily manipulative; it could be his way of understanding you better. 

However, his attention to your choice and his reactions afterward – be it surprise, satisfaction, or disappointment – will give you a clue. It’s like he’s stepping back to learn more about your preferences and priorities.

5. He’s Giving You Genuine Freedom

When a guy says, “do whatever you want,” he might genuinely mean it. He’s showing trust in your judgment and giving you the freedom to make your own choices. 

It’s a sign of respect, indicating he believes you’re capable of handling decisions. 

Recognize this by his calm, unbothered demeanor. There’s no hint of sarcasm or frustration in his voice; he’s relaxed and supportive.

In this scenario, he’s comfortable with whatever decision you make and won’t hold it against you. His body language is open and non-confrontational. 

He’s more likely to engage in other activities or conversations, showing that he’s not overly concerned about the outcome of your decision. This level of trust is a positive aspect of a healthy relationship.

[Also Read: What It Means When A Guy Says “You Deserve Better”]

How to Respond When A Guy Says “Do Whatever You Want”

How to Respond When A Guy Says "Do Whatever You Want"

When a guy says “Do whatever you want,” your response should consider both the tone of his voice and the context of the situation. 

If he seems relaxed and genuinely supportive, he might truly mean that he’s okay with whatever decision you make. In this case, a simple acknowledgment of his trust can be a good response. 

You could say something like, “Thanks for trusting me on this, I appreciate it.” This shows you recognize and value his faith in your judgment.

However, if his tone suggests frustration or indifference, it’s important to approach the situation with care. 

Avoid reacting defensively or making a quick decision. Instead, try to open up a dialogue to understand his feelings better. 

You could say, “It seems like there’s more to this. Can we talk about what’s really bothering you?” 

If you approach it this way, you’re showing him that you’re attentive to his feelings and willing to work through any underlying issues together.


What Should I Do If I Can’t Tell What He Means?

If you’re unsure about what he means when he says “Do whatever you want,” the best approach is to ask for clarification. Openly communicating is key in these situations. 

You can say something like, “I want to understand your perspective. Can you help me by explaining a bit more?” 

You’re demonstrating interest in his feelings and are willing to listen, which can help clear up any confusion.

Is It Always Negative When He Says “Do Whatever You Want?

No, it’s not always negative when a guy says “Do whatever you want.” Sometimes, it can be a sign of trust and respect for your independence and decision-making abilities. 

The context, his tone, and body language are important indicators of his true intentions. So, it’s essential to consider the whole situation before jumping to conclusions.

Can This Phrase Indicate a Problem in the Relationship?

Sometimes, this phrase can indicate a problem in the relationship, especially if it’s said out of frustration or as a way to avoid communication. 

If you notice it’s being used frequently during arguments or as a dismissive response, it might be a sign to take a closer look at your communication patterns and address any underlying issues. 

Remember, healthy communication is key to a strong relationship.

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Destiny Femi

Destiny Femi is a dating coach whose work has helped transform the love lives of countless people. With a writing style that is both insightful and relatable, Destiny has amassed a following of hundreds of thousands of readers who turn to him for advice on everything from finding the perfect partner to maintaining a healthy relationship. Through his articles he has inspired people around the world to become more confident, authentic, and successful in their dating life.

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