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We’ve all come across people who speak too loud. And whenever this happens, it’s natural to wonder why they do it. 

Is it intentional, or do they not realize how loud they are? Sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming, especially in quieter settings, and it might even make us feel uncomfortable.

But loudness isn’t always a sign of rudeness or a desire for attention. There are actually quite a few different reasons why someone might tend to speak louder than others. 

It could be something as simple as their personality, or it might be related to their cultural background or even a biological reason.

In this article, we’re going to dive into these various reasons to help paint a clearer picture of why some people are just louder. 

By the end, you’ll have a better understanding of what might be going on, and who knows, you might even find yourself a bit more tolerant the next time you’re chatting with a loud talker.

1. Need for Attention

Some people tend to speak loudly because they crave attention. Their loud voice is a way to make sure they stand out in a crowd and grab the spotlight. 

It’s not always a conscious choice; sometimes it’s just their go-to method for ensuring they’re noticed.

Now, this isn’t to say that they’re seeking attention all the time, but in moments when they feel overlooked or not heard, their volume might just go up a notch. 

And more often than not, it works. People tend to turn their heads and listen.

Of course, this can rub people the wrong way, especially if it happens regularly. 

No one likes feeling as if they’re being shouted at. But for the person seeking attention, the important thing is that they’re being heard.

2. Lack of Awareness of The Habit

loud people

There are those who are naturally loud and they might not even be aware of it. It’s just how they’ve always communicated, and no one has ever pointed it out to them. 

Or maybe they’ve just become accustomed to it over the years.

If you’ve been speaking in a certain way your whole life, you might not realize that it’s out of the ordinary. 

And if your family and close friends communicate in a similar fashion, it’s even less likely that you’ll notice. It becomes the norm.

This doesn’t mean that they’re being loud on purpose. It’s just a habit that’s developed over time. 

And habits, as we know, can be hard to break, especially when you’re not aware that you need to break them in the first place.

[Also Read: Why Are Some People So Annoying?]

3. Biological Reasons

Some people might have biological or physiological reasons for their loudness. It could be something as simple as the way their vocal cords are structured or it might be related to their hearing. 

People with hearing problems may tend to speak loudly without realizing it. They might not be able to gauge their own volume accurately, leading to a louder voice. 

For them, what feels like a normal conversational tone could actually be quite high in volume for those with regular hearing abilities.

Having hearing issues is challenging, and it often requires accommodations from both the individual and those around them. 

A person with a hearing impairment might not even be aware that they are speaking loudly, and it might require gentle and understanding communication from friends or family to make them aware of it.

Dealing with hearing difficulties is no small feat, and it can impact various aspects of a person’s life, including how they interact in social settings. 

4. It’s Just Their Communication Style

For some people, a loud speaking voice is just a part of their communication style. They express themselves with vigor and enthusiasm, and this is reflected in their volume. 

They’re not trying to dominate the conversation; they’re just sharing their energy and passion.

Their loudness is a way to convey their emotions and emphasize their points. They want to make sure that what they’re saying is coming across clearly. 

It’s a style that works well in large groups or noisy environments, but in more intimate settings, it can be overwhelming.

It’s a unique way of expressing themselves, and while it might take some getting used to, it’s genuine. 

They’re not being loud to be obnoxious; they’re just being themselves, sharing their thoughts and feelings in the way that feels most natural to them.

5. Seeking Control Or Dominance

Then there are those who use their loud voice as a tool for control or to establish dominance. 

They want to be in charge, and a booming voice helps them establish their authority. It’s a deliberate choice, a strategic move to ensure they’re the ones calling the shots.

In a group setting, the loudest voice often commands the most attention. By speaking loudly, they’re ensuring that their ideas are heard and considered first and foremost. 

It’s a way to steer the conversation and influence the decisions being made.

This need for control can stem from a variety of places — insecurity, a desire for power, or previous experiences that have taught them this is the way to get ahead. 

Regardless of the origin, it’s a pattern of behavior that’s hard to miss.

[Related: 11 Signs You Have a Bubbly Personality]

6. Personality Traits

loud person

Some folks are just naturally exuberant and vivacious. Their loudness is a reflection of their personality — full of life, energy, and enthusiasm. 

They light up a room with their presence and their voice is a big part of that.

Their loudness isn’t meant to be intrusive or dominating; it’s just who they are. They express themselves fully and unapologetically, and this can be refreshing in a world where many feel the need to hold back. 

Their boldness and zest for life are contagious, and they have a unique ability to bring energy and enthusiasm into any situation.

Understanding and appreciating these personality types is important. They offer a different perspective and approach to life that can be enriching and invigorating. 

Their loudness is just one aspect of their vibrant personality, and it’s a small price to pay for the positivity and joy they bring into the lives of those around them.

7. Social Environments

In certain social settings, loudness can become the norm. Think of a crowded party or a bustling restaurant — in these environments, people might naturally raise their voices just to be heard. 

In these situations, everyone is doing it. You raise your voice to be heard by your friends, and the next table raises their voices to be heard over yours. 

It’s a cycle, and it can lead to a generally loud atmosphere.

But once you step out of that environment, it might take a moment to readjust. People might continue to speak loudly without realizing it, even once they’re in a quieter space. 

It’s a temporary effect, but it’s a common response to noisy environments.

8. Emotional State

why are some people loud

A person’s emotional state can significantly impact their volume. When someone is angry, excited, or passionate about something, their volume might increase without them even realizing it. 

Their emotions take the driver’s seat, and their loudness is a reflection of what they’re feeling inside.

In moments of intense emotion, self-awareness can take a backseat. People are focused on expressing themselves and being heard, and the volume of their voice increases as a result. 

It’s a natural response, and it happens to almost everyone at one point or another.

Recognizing the link between emotions and loudness is key. It adds an important layer of understanding to why people might speak loudly in certain moments. 

It’s not always a conscious choice; sometimes it’s just a reflection of their internal emotional state.

9. Cultural Background

In some cultures, a loud voice is a sign of excitement, passion, or engagement. 

People from these backgrounds may speak loudly not to dominate but to express their interest and enthusiasm in a conversation. 

It’s a cultural norm for them, and they might not even realize that it could be perceived differently by others.

Cultural diversity is beautiful, but it can also lead to misunderstandings, especially in terms of communication styles. 

What’s considered polite and respectful in one culture might be viewed as overpowering or rude in another. 

It’s important to recognize these differences and approach them with an open mind.

While it might take some time to get used to louder communication styles, understanding the cultural context can lead to more meaningful and inclusive interactions.

[Interesting: How to Command Respect As A Quiet Person]

How Do You Deal With Loud People?

Dealing with loud people can be tricky, but it’s all about finding the right balance. You don’t want to hurt their feelings, but you also need to feel comfortable in the conversation. 

One thing you can try is subtly adjusting your own volume. Speak a bit more softly, and they might follow your lead and lower their volume too.

If the subtle approach doesn’t work, you might need to be a bit more direct. Find a nice way to let them know that they are speaking quite loudly. 

You could say something like, “Hey, it’s a bit loud in here, isn’t it?” or “I have a bit of a headache today, would you mind speaking a little softer?” 

This way, you’re addressing the issue without making them feel bad about it.

Of course, it’s also important to be understanding. Maybe they’re just excited, or maybe they don’t even realize how loud they are speaking. 

Keep this in mind, be patient, and with a bit of kindness, you’ll likely find a way to communicate more comfortably together.

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Destiny Femi

Destiny Femi is a dating coach whose work has helped transform the love lives of countless people. With a writing style that is both insightful and relatable, Destiny has amassed a following of hundreds of thousands of readers who turn to him for advice on everything from finding the perfect partner to maintaining a healthy relationship. Through his articles he has inspired people around the world to become more confident, authentic, and successful in their dating life.

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