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In the past, asking someone for their phone number was seen as the primary way to keep in touch. 

It was a sign of genuine interest, a wish to connect on a deeper level, or perhaps, a budding friendship or romantic relationship. 

Fast forward to today, things have changed quite dramatically. And one of the most common alternatives to guys asking for a girl’s phone number is asking for her Snapchat. 

Now, the question is, why are more guys opting to ask for Snapchat instead of the usual phone numbers?

1. It Has a More Casual Tone To It

You know, there’s something a bit formal about asking for someone’s number. It’s almost like you’re saying, “I want to engage in proper, possibly lengthy conversations with you.” 

On the other hand, Snapchat has a chill vibe to it. Asking for someone’s Snapchat feels more like, “Hey, let’s share some fun moments whenever we feel like it.”

There’s also less pressure. On Snapchat, you can send a quirky photo or a random moment from your day. It’s light, easy-going, and doesn’t demand an immediate response. 

This casual interaction can help break the ice and make people feel more at ease.

And think about this: If someone doesn’t reply to a snap, it’s no big deal. They were probably just busy. But a text message that goes unanswered? That can feel a bit more personal. 

So, the casual nature of Snapchat can be less intimidating for both parties involved.

2. A Lot Of People Just Don’t Like Phone Calls Nowadays

snapchat instead of phone number

Texting, snapping, messaging – it seems the world has moved towards these formats. Phone calls? They can sometimes feel intrusive or old-fashioned to some. 

The idea of calling someone out of the blue, especially someone you just met, might seem daunting or too forward.

Snapchat eliminates this hurdle. It allows for communication without the formalities or commitments of a phone call. You can reply at your leisure, and there’s no need to set aside a specific time to chat.

Plus, let’s not forget the younger crowd. For many younger individuals, texting and snapping are the norms. 

Phone calls are reserved for specific reasons or people. So, in many cases, opting for Snapchat is just aligning with contemporary communication preferences.

3. Snapchat Is Easier to Block

Safety first, right? While no one likes to think about the need to block someone, the reality is that it’s a feature often used. 

On Snapchat, blocking is straightforward. One tap and it’s done. This ease can provide a sense of security for both parties.

The transient nature of snaps also plays a role. The fact that snaps disappear after viewing means there’s less permanence. If a conversation turns awkward or unwanted, it won’t linger.

In contrast, phone numbers can be a bit trickier. Sure, you can block numbers on most phones, but some might feel that having someone’s phone number is more personal and invasive. With Snapchat, the perceived distance and ease of control can be comforting.

4. Girls Tend to Give Snapchat Easier Than Phone Number

why guys prefer asking for snapchat to phone number

For some girls, giving out a phone number feels like a big step. It’s a direct line to them, after all. Snapchat, on the other hand, feels less personal. It’s more about sharing snippets of your life rather than deep or prolonged conversations.

It’s not necessarily about playing hard to get, but more about comfort levels. Snapchat allows for a gradual progression of familiarity. 

You start with casual snaps and, over time, maybe move on to more personal chats or even phone calls.

For many people, it’s about boundaries. Beginning with Snapchat allows both parties to gauge their comfort level and decide how they want the interaction to proceed. It’s a stepping stone, a way to dip your toes in the water before diving in.

[Also Read: 20 Questions Guys Ask When Interested In You]

5. Asking For Snapchat Is Just More Convenient

Ever notice how most of us are glued to our apps? Snapchat is right there, always a tap away. For some guys, it’s just simpler to ask for a Snapchat handle than to go through the process of saving a number. 

Plus, with Snapchat, there’s no awkward wait time. You send a snap, they reply, and boom, the conversation is rolling. There’s no need to craft that perfect introductory text message.

Speaking of convenience, Snapchat also brings everything under one roof. You can chat, send pictures, videos, and even call if you want to. 

Why juggle between different apps when you can do it all from one place? It’s like having a Swiss Army knife for communication.

And let’s be real; typos happen. You might jot down a number wrong or mishear a digit. But with Snapchat, you scan a code or type in a username, and you’re connected. There’s less room for error, and that ease of use can be a huge draw for many.

6. Better Chance of Making An Impression On Snapchat

Want to stand out? Snapchat might be the platform for you. Stories give a glimpse into one’s daily life, hobbies, and interests. It’s a dynamic way of showcasing personality. 

Think about it: a picture from a concert or a video of a beach sunset can say so much more than a simple text.

For many, sharing these snippets is also a way of inviting someone into their world. It’s like saying, “Hey, this is what I’m about. This is what I enjoy.” It allows for connections to be made over shared interests or experiences.

Not to mention, the visuals! A well-timed snap, perhaps with a fun filter or a cool backdrop, can capture attention and leave a lasting impression. It’s an opportunity to be creative and memorable, beyond just words.

7. Snapchat is Fun

snapchat to phone number

Let’s not forget the primary reason many use Snapchat: it’s entertaining! The filters, the stickers, the Bitmojis – it’s a playground for digital interaction. Sending a snap with dog ears or swapping faces with a friend? It’s all in good fun.

For many guys, this playful element of Snapchat makes it appealing. It offers a break from the mundane and adds a sprinkle of spontaneity to the conversation. Who doesn’t enjoy a laugh or two during their day?

And then there are the challenges, trends, and games that regularly pop up on Snapchat. Engaging in these can be a lighthearted way to interact, bond, and get to know each other. 

After all, relationships, whether friendships or romantic, often thrive on shared moments of joy and laughter.


So, what’s the big deal about Snapchat and phone numbers? Well, the way we communicate has changed a lot over the years. 

For many guys, asking for Snapchat feels more relaxed and fun, while giving out a phone number seems a bit more serious. 

Plus, through snaps and stories, we get to share and see little parts of each other’s days. But, just like any way of talking or keeping in touch, what matters most is the real connection between people. 

Whether it’s through a snap, a call, or even a face-to-face chat, it’s all about understanding and caring for each other. 


Is it a red flag if a guy asks for your Snapchat instead of a number?

Honestly, not necessarily. The world of communication is evolving, and many people are finding comfort in apps like Snapchat. It can be a less formal way to connect, offering both parties a chance to share lighthearted content. 

However, it’s always essential to trust your instincts. If something feels off or you’re uncomfortable, always prioritize your feelings and safety.

On the flip side, some might prefer Snapchat because of its casual nature. Sharing snaps can feel less intrusive than sending texts or making calls. 

So, if a guy asks for your Snapchat, it could just be his way of trying to connect without coming on too strong. Again, trust your gut and set boundaries that make you feel secure.

Why do guys use Snapchat instead of text?

Snapchat offers a different vibe than texting. With its visuals, filters, and temporary content, it’s a more dynamic platform. 

Many guys find it fun and engaging, a place where they can express themselves creatively. Texting, while effective for communication, lacks the playful tools and features that Snapchat boasts.

And, Snapchat allows users to share snippets of their day, giving a more holistic view of their lives. While a text might say, “I went to the beach today,” a snap can show the waves, the sunset, and the feel of that moment. 

It’s a richer experience in many ways, and that’s why some guys might lean towards Snapchat.

Is it better to ask for someone’s snap or number?

It depends on the intention and comfort level. If you’re looking for more casual, day-to-day interactions and sharing fun moments, Snapchat might be the way to go. 

It’s a platform designed for fleeting glimpses into someone’s life and often feels less formal.

But if you’re aiming for more profound, consistent communication, asking for a number might be better. Texting or calling allows for more extended conversations and can be more direct. 

It’s all about gauging the situation and understanding what both parties are comfortable with. 

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Anita Oge

Meet Anita, a relationship writer with a passion for helping people navigate the complexities of love and dating. With a background in information science, she has a wealth of knowledge and insight to share. Her writing is sure to leave you feeling empowered and inspired.

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