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When you like a guy, sometimes you want to tell him he’s attractive, but it can be hard to find the right words. 

You want to say something nice that will make him feel good about himself, but you also don’t want to sound cliche or, worse, desperate. 

A good compliment can make someone’s day better and even help them feel more confident. If you do it right, it could move you from just being friends to a potential for something more. 

In this article, we’re going to talk about different ways you can compliment a guy to let him know he’s attractive. 

We’ll give you some ideas on what to say to make him smile and feel appreciated. 

Remember, the best compliments come from the heart and are about more than just how someone looks. 

That said, here’s how to call a guy attractive. 

1. Compliment His Appearance

When you want to call a guy attractive, start by focusing on his appearance, but in a way that feels genuine and specific. 

Instead of a generic “you’re handsome,” pinpoint something unique about him. Maybe it’s his captivating eyes or the way his smile lights up the room. 

This personalized approach shows that you’re paying attention to him specifically, and not just throwing out a standard compliment.

Delving a bit deeper, you can also mention how his style contributes to his attractiveness. 

Perhaps he has a knack for dressing in a way that complements his features, or he carries himself with a confidence that’s inherently appealing. 

Clothing and style are often a reflection of someone’s personality, so this kind of compliment can also subtly acknowledge his sense of self.

Remember, timing and delivery are key. Offering a compliment when it feels natural and in context can make it more impactful. 

For instance, if he’s just shared a story about an achievement, you could tie in how his passion or dedication adds to his attractiveness. 

It’s not just about what you say, but how and when you say it that can make your compliment truly resonate.

  • “You have a great smile, it’s really nice to see.”
  • “Your style is cool. You always look good.”

2. Praise His Personality

Woman calling a guy attractive

Moving beyond physical attributes, highlighting aspects of his personality is a meaningful way to call a guy attractive

Perhaps he has a great sense of humor that always keeps you laughing, or maybe it’s his kindness and empathy towards others that you find most attractive. 

These compliments go deeper than surface-level remarks and can be more flattering because they acknowledge who he is as a person.

Another angle is to focus on his intelligence or creativity. If he’s someone who always has interesting ideas or thoughts, let him know how much you appreciate his intellect. 

This kind of praise can be especially meaningful in a world where physical appearance often overshadows inner qualities. It shows that you value his mind just as much, if not more, than his looks.

  • “You’re always so funny, you crack me up!”
  • “You’re smart in a way that’s really easy to understand and relate to.”

[Interesting: 20 Things to Talk About With a Guy]

3. Encourage His Passions

Everyone loves to feel supported in their passions and interests, and highlighting this can be an excellent way to call a guy attractive. 

If he’s passionate about a hobby, sport, or his career, make it known that you find his dedication and enthusiasm appealing. 

This kind of compliment shows that you appreciate not just who he is, but also what he loves doing.

You can also express interest in learning more about his passions. 

Asking thoughtful questions about his interests shows that you’re not only acknowledging them but are also eager to understand more. 

This kind of engagement can be very attractive, as it demonstrates your genuine interest in his life beyond the surface level.

You can also ncourage his future aspirations. Whether he has dreams of furthering his career, traveling, or pursuing a new hobby, showing enthusiasm for his goals is a powerful way to express your admiration. 

It tells him that you find not just his present self attractive, but also his potential and the path he’s on, which can be deeply motivating and affirming for him.

4. Highlight His Sense of Humor

Attractive man and woman

A guy’s ability to bring laughter and lightness into any situation is a truly attractive trait. 

When he cracks a joke that’s spot on or has everyone around him chuckling, it’s not just his humor shining through, but also his intelligence and quick thinking. 

Humor often involves a unique perspective on life and a sharp mind, qualities that are undeniably appealing.

Appreciating his humor does more than just acknowledge his wit; it also shows you enjoy his company. This is a significant confidence booster. 

Expressing how much his humor adds to your life deepens your connection. 

Shared laughter is a powerful bond, and pointing out his role in creating those joyous moments can strengthen your relationship.

  • You always know the right joke to make everyone laugh.”
  • “Your jokes are the highlight of my day. They’re just so funny!”
  • “I love how you can turn anything into something to laugh about.”
  • You have a way of making even the boring stuff funny.”

Sample Ways to Call A Guy Attractive 

Sample Ways to Call A Guy Attractive 

1. “You Look So Handsome Today”

When a guy takes care to present himself well, acknowledging his handsomeness is a wonderful gesture. 

Complimenting him on his appearance, especially when he’s made an effort, can be a real confidence booster. It’s a way of appreciating the care he’s taken in his looks and letting him know he’s succeeded in his effort.

2. “I Like Your Smile”

A charming smile can light up a room and draw people in. 

When you compliment a guy on his smile, you’re highlighting more than just his attractiveness; you’re appreciating the warmth and positivity it brings. 

Such a compliment can make a person feel valued for the joy they spread.

3. “I Love the Way You Think”

Recognizing a guy’s intellect and creativity is a powerful form of appreciation. 

Complimenting his thought process shows that you find his ideas and perspectives appealing. It goes beyond physical appearance, acknowledging his mind as an attractive aspect.

4. “I Like The Way You Carry Yourself”

A guy’s confidence and presence are as important as his looks. 

Appreciating the way he interacts with the world, the confidence he exudes, and his unique vibe is a deep form of admiration. 

Such a compliment can resonate with his sense of self and personal style.

5. “Your Eyes Are Captivating”

Eyes are often considered windows to the soul. Complimenting a guy on his eyes means you find depth and emotion in his gaze. 

It’s an intimate form of praise, focusing on the connection and feelings his eyes convey, beyond mere physical appearance.

6. “You’re So Funny”

Humor is a highly attractive trait. Telling a guy he’s funny is a great way to let him know you enjoy his company and find his sense of humor appealing. 

It’s about more than just making you laugh; it’s about the connection and enjoyment you share. This compliment can boost his confidence and encourage him to be himself around you.

7. “Your Voice is So Appealing”

A guy’s voice can be a key part of his attractiveness. Complimenting him on his voice – whether it’s the tone, depth, or the way he speaks – is unique and personal. It’s appreciating an aspect of him that’s both intimate and distinctive, and it can make him feel special and noticed in a way that’s different from physical compliments.

8. “Your Sense of Style is Impressive”

Praising a guy’s fashion sense is a great way to acknowledge his ability to present himself stylishly. 

When you compliment his style, you’re appreciating his taste and the effort he puts into dressing. It’s a nod to his personal expression and the flair he adds to his appearance, showing that you notice and admire his fashion choices.


How Do You Tell a Man He’s Attractive?

Telling a man he’s attractive can be done in a few simple ways. The key is to be genuine and specific about what you find attractive about him. 

You could say something like, “You look really handsome today,” or compliment a specific feature, like his smile or eyes. 

It’s also nice to mention something about his personality that you find appealing. Just be honest and say it in a way that feels natural to you.

What Do You Call an Attractive Man?

There are many words you can use to describe an attractive man. Some common ones are “handsome,” “good-looking,” or “charming.” 

You can also be more creative and use words like “dashing,” “striking,” or “captivating.” 

The important thing is to choose a word that feels right for the situation and the person you’re complimenting.

How Do You Call a Guy Attractive Over Text?

Complimenting a guy over text can be a bit different from doing it in person. You can use emojis to add a fun and flirty touch. 

Try sending a message like, “I was just thinking about how handsome you are 😊,” or “You have the most amazing smile 🌟.” 

Be playful and sincere in your texts, and don’t be afraid to express your feelings.

How Can You Compliment a Guy Without Making It Awkward?

Complimenting a guy without making it awkward is all about timing and how you say it. 

Choose a moment when it feels natural to give a compliment, like when you’re having a good conversation. 

Keep your compliment simple and sincere, like saying, “I really like your style,” or “You have a great sense of humor.” If you’re casual and genuine, it’s less likely to be awkward.

What Are Some Unique Compliments for Guys?

If you want to give a unique compliment, think about what makes the guy special. 

You could compliment his creativity, like saying, “You have such a creative mind,” or acknowledge his skills, “You’re really good at [something he does].” 

Unique compliments are great because they show you pay attention to who he is and what he does, not just how he looks.

[Read: 70 Flirty Jokes and Pick Up Lines to Make Your Crush Laugh]

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Destiny Femi

Destiny Femi is a dating coach whose work has helped transform the love lives of countless people. With a writing style that is both insightful and relatable, Destiny has amassed a following of hundreds of thousands of readers who turn to him for advice on everything from finding the perfect partner to maintaining a healthy relationship. Through his articles he has inspired people around the world to become more confident, authentic, and successful in their dating life.

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