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Want to make your boyfriend really miss you when you’re not around? 

It’s not about playing games; it’s about keeping your relationship fun and interesting. 

When you make the good times you spend together memorable, he’ll start missing you whenever you’re apart.

There are lots of simple ways to keep the spark alive and make him think of you often. You don’t have to do anything big or dramatic. 

Sometimes, the small things like how you talk, what you do when you’re together, and even how you give each other space can make a big difference.

In this article, we’ll go over 10 easy tips to make your boyfriend miss you. 

Whether it’s changing up how you communicate, sharing your happy moments, or just being supportive, each tip will help strengthen your bond. 

1. Give Him Some Space

Sometimes the best way to make someone miss you is to step back. 

Give your boyfriend a little room to think about you. 

When you’re not always around, he might start to realize how much your presence adds to his day. 

It’s like when you’re not at school for a day; your friends are more likely to notice your absence and think about you.

Instead of texting him throughout the day, let him be the one to reach out first sometimes. 

When he sends you a message or gives you a call, he’s showing that you’re on his mind. 

This can make the conversations more exciting because you both will have more to share after spending some time apart.

Try doing your own thing. Dive into hobbies, hang out with friends, or spend some time on personal goals. 

You’ll have interesting things to talk about when you both catch up, and he’ll see you as someone who’s fun and independent. 

This can make him look forward to your time together even more.

[Related: How to Make a Man Think of You All The Time]

2. Share Fun Memories

couple singing

Bringing up happy memories when you talk can remind him of the great times you’ve had together. 

Next time you chat, you might talk about that hilarious movie you watched or the spontaneous road trip you took. 

It’s a nice way to put a smile on his face and make him long for more fun moments with you.

You can also leave little reminders of yourself with him. Maybe leave a small gift or a photo of the two of you having fun. 

When he sees this, it will make him feel closer to you even when you’re not there. He’ll remember the laughter and joy you share.

Send him occasional photos or texts that bring back those good times. 

For example, sending him a picture of a place you visited together can reignite those joyful feelings. It’s about keeping a bit of that sparkle alive, even when you’re apart.

3. Be Genuinely Interested in His Day

When you talk, really listen to what he’s saying about his day or his feelings.

Showing genuine interest makes him feel valued and understood. 

You don’t have to offer solutions or advice, just listening can be enough. When someone feels heard, they value your presence more.

Ask him questions that get him talking about his interests and passions. 

Learning more about what he loves doing can increase your connection and make your conversations deeper. It shows you care about his life beyond just being together.

Keep your interactions positive and uplifting. Celebrate his achievements and be supportive if he’s having a tough time. 

When you are a source of positivity, he might start to miss your energy when you’re not around. It’s like being a light in his day—he’ll look forward to your chats as a highlight.

[Read: 16 Unique Ways To Show Affection To Your Boyfriend]

4. Surprise Him Occasionally

couple playing

Surprises can make your relationship feel exciting. Try sending your boyfriend a small gift or a handwritten letter out of the blue. 

When you surprise him, he gets a burst of happiness that makes him think of you fondly. It doesn’t have to be something big; even a funny meme or a sweet text can light up his day.

Plan a surprise date when you both have free time. Maybe take him to his favorite restaurant or to see a movie he’s been wanting to watch. 

Surprises keep things fresh, and he’ll appreciate the effort you put into making him happy.

Now and then, you can also surprise him by showing up to support him at an event he’s involved in, like a game or a presentation at school. 

Seeing you there, cheering for him, can make him feel really special and missed when you’re not around.

5. Keep Yourself Happy and Busy

Being happy and busy with your own life is attractive. 

When you have your own interests and you’re having fun, you become more interesting to your boyfriend. 

He sees that you’re not just waiting around for him, but instead, you’re leading an engaging life.

Stay active with your hobbies and spend time with other friends. When you tell him about all the fun things you’re doing, he might wish he was there with you. 

It shows him that you’re someone who loves life, which can make him want to be part of it more.

Being happy also makes you more positive to be around. When you’re in a good mood, it’s contagious. 

He’ll start to miss your positivity when you’re not together, looking forward to the next time he gets to see you.

6. Leave Something Behind

Leaving a small item of yours with him can be a sweet reminder of you. 

Maybe it’s a scarf with your perfume on it or a favorite book. 

When he sees these items, they remind him of you and the times you’ve shared, which can make him miss you more.

You could also leave a playlist of songs for him that both of you love or that remind him of you. 

Every time he listens to it, he’ll think about you and the moments you’ve enjoyed together listening to those tunes.

Try leaving a fun note in his bag or car. When he finds it later, it’ll be a nice surprise that brings a smile to his face. 

These little things keep you on his mind even when you’re apart.

7. Stay Connected Through Technology

excited woman with her phone

Use technology to stay connected in creative ways. You can send him funny videos, share a playlist, or play online games together. 

These activities keep the connection lively and make him look forward to your digital interactions.

You might also set up a video call date, where you can eat dinner together over the screen or watch a movie at the same time. 

It’s a way to share experiences even when you can’t be physically together.

Keep your messages light and fun. Frequent, joyful exchanges can build anticipation for when you’ll talk next. 

He’ll miss those moments of connection and will often check his phone hoping for your messages.

8. Use the Dopamine Seeking Reward Loop

Keep your boyfriend guessing by mixing up how often and when you contact him. 

Sometimes, send a text first thing in the morning, and other times, wait until the afternoon or evening. 

By being unpredictable with your messages, his brain will keep wondering when he’ll hear from you next, which keeps him interested and missing you.

You can also change up what you do together. Instead of always going to the same places, try new activities or explore new spots together. 

This variety triggers excitement and pleasure in the brain, making him feel more connected to you and eager for your next adventure.

Remember, a little mystery goes a long way. Don’t share every detail about your day or your thoughts. 

By holding back a little, you create curiosity, making him long to know more and look forward to your conversations.

9. Be Supportive During Hard Times

Being there for him when things get tough can make him truly appreciate having you in his life. 

Listen to him when he needs to talk about a problem or just needs to vent. Showing that you care and are there to support him builds a deep trust and connection.

Offer encouragement when he’s facing challenges, whether it’s with school, work, or personal issues. 

Knowing he has your support can make him feel secure and miss that comfort when you’re not around.

Remember, sometimes he might just need someone to listen, not to fix his problems. 

By being a reliable and empathetic partner, you become someone he misses not only during the good times but especially when things are hard.

10. Keep Things Light and Playful

Joking around and being playful when you’re together can create a lot of happy memories. 

Tell jokes, play fun games, or just be silly together. Laughter is a powerful way to connect, and those fun moments are ones he’ll think back on with a smile.

Sending funny memes or jokes through text can also keep the mood light and enjoyable even when you’re not physically together. 

These little moments of laughter and joy are reminders of how much fun it is to be around you.

Try to avoid too much serious conversation over texts or calls. Keeping interactions light helps maintain a fun relationship that he’ll want to come back to again and again.

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Anita Oge

Meet Anita, a relationship writer with a passion for helping people navigate the complexities of love and dating. With a background in information science, she has a wealth of knowledge and insight to share. Her writing is sure to leave you feeling empowered and inspired.

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