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When you’re in a relationship with someone who’s incarcerated, communication becomes a precious lifeline. 

It’s not just about keeping the connection alive; it’s about nurturing it with meaningful conversations. 

That’s where this article comes in handy. It’s packed with ideas on what to talk about with your inmate boyfriend.

However, talking to a loved one in prison can be different from your regular chats. It requires a mix of empathy, creativity, and a positive outlook.

This article will provide you with a variety of topics that are both uplifting and engaging. 

Whether it’s discussing personal achievements, planning for visits, or simply reminiscing about good times, these topics are designed to make your conversations more meaningful. 

1. Daily Life and Routine

Switching to the lighter side, chat about the nitty-gritty of everyday life. 

You know, the small stuff like what you had for breakfast or the new song you can’t get out of your head. 

These details might seem trivial, but they’re the threads that connect your daily lives. It’s a way of including him in your day-to-day world, making him feel more involved and less isolated.

Ask him about his routine too. What’s his day like? Has he picked up new habits or found new ways to spend his time? 

This exchange of daily trivia is like sharing little pieces of your lives. It keeps things real and grounded. 

Plus, it’s fun to find humor in the mundane – like that epic fail of a recipe you tried or the hilarious mishap on your morning commute.

2. Shared Interests and Activities

young woman with her inmate boyfriend

Brainstorm about shared interests and activities. Maybe you both love gardening, are fans of a particular sports team, or share a passion for painting. 

Discussing these shared hobbies is like fanning the flames of your common interests. It’s an opportunity to plan future projects or activities you can do together once he’s out. 

Think of it as laying the groundwork for all the fun times ahead.

Don’t stop there! Get creative and find ways to engage in these interests together, even while apart. 

You could both read the same book on gardening techniques, follow the same sports games and discuss them, or share your art.

3. Goals for the Relationship

Talk about the big picture – your relationship goals. This is your chance to dream together about where you see your relationship going. 

Are you thinking of moving in together, adopting a pet, or traveling to exotic places? 

These conversations are like drawing a map for where you both want to go as a couple. It’s exciting to envision a future together and set goals to work towards.

But hey, keep it real. Discuss practical steps on how you can achieve these goals. 

Maybe it’s saving up for that dream trip, looking for a new place, or just working on strengthening your bond while he’s away. 

Setting realistic goals and discussing how to achieve them makes your dreams feel more attainable. It’s all about building a future that both of you are excited to step into.

4. Talk About His Challenges

Diving into the challenges your boyfriend faces can be a game-changer. It’s like stepping into his shoes for a moment and seeing the world through his eyes. 

Let him open up about the hurdles he’s encountering. It could be about adapting to life in prison, dealing with uncertainty, or personal struggles he’s facing. 

This isn’t just talking; it’s showing empathy and understanding. It strengthens your bond because he knows he’s got someone who really gets it.

But hey, this isn’t about just nodding along. Offer your support, maybe share some wisdom, or just lend an ear. 

Sometimes, all we need is someone to listen, right? 

Be that rock for him. Encourage him to express his feelings and frustrations. This kind of open communication creates a safe space for both of you, where vulnerabilities aren’t weaknesses but bridges that bring you closer.

[Interesting: 9 Simple Ways to Be a Charming Conversationalist (Science)

5. Future Plans and Dreams

Chatting about the future can be a fantastic way to bond! 

Start by sharing your dreams and aspirations – you know, those big, sparkly goals you’ve tucked away. 

Maybe it’s opening a quaint café, or finally taking that road trip across Europe. 

These conversations are not just daydreams; they create a shared vision and build a bridge between your worlds. 

Your boyfriend will likely jump at the chance to talk about his hopes and dreams. This is more than just chit-chat; it’s about inspiring each other and finding common ground in your ambitions.

Now, don’t forget to dive into the details. Where would that café be? What sights would you see on your road trip? 

Getting specific makes it more real and engaging. It’s a bit like building a puzzle together – each little detail is a piece that brings the bigger picture to life. 

This kind of talk nurtures hope and excitement, which can be incredibly uplifting, especially for someone in prison.

6. Books, Movies, and TV Shows

Let’s switch gears and talk entertainment! 

Discussing the latest book you’ve read, a movie you’ve watched, or a TV show you’re hooked on can be super fun. 

It’s like having your own mini book club or film critique session. Maybe you’ve stumbled upon a thriller that kept you up all night or a comedy that had you in stitches. Share that! 

These stories provide a great escape and can spark lively discussions about plot twists and character developments.

On the flip side, ask him about his recent reads or the shows he’s into. This could lead to some interesting exchanges and might even give you new stuff to check out. 

Plus, it’s a great way to discover each other’s tastes and interests. You can even plan to read the same book or watch the same show simultaneously and then discuss it.

7. Personal Growth and Learning

woman talking to her inmate boyfriend

Diving into topics about personal growth can be deeply rewarding. 

Talk about a new skill you’re learning or a hobby you’ve picked up. 

Maybe you’re getting the hang of cooking Thai food, or you’re practicing Spanish on a language app. 

Sharing these experiences shows your dedication to self-improvement and might inspire your boyfriend to explore new interests too. 

It’s all about growing individually and as a couple, even when physically apart.

Encourage him to share his own experiences with learning and growth. Perhaps he’s picked up a new language, is brushing up on history, or has started a fitness routine. 

Celebrating these small victories together can be incredibly motivating. It’s a reminder that both of you are evolving, and it helps maintain a connection that goes beyond just the day-to-day updates.

[Also Read: 20 Things to Talk About With a Guy]

8. Memories and Past Experiences

Stroll down memory lane together! Reminiscing about past experiences you’ve shared, or even childhood memories, can be incredibly heartwarming. 

Talk about that time you both got lost on a hiking trail or the family holiday dinners from your childhood. 

These stories knit you closer, creating a tapestry of shared history and personal experiences. It’s a gentle reminder of the journey you’ve been on together and individually.

Don’t just keep it to the happy memories, though. Discussing challenges you’ve overcome can be just as important. It’s a testament to your resilience and the strength of your relationship. 

Besides, it helps to know more about what has shaped each other as individuals. 

This isn’t just reminiscing; it’s an exploration of your individual and collective pasts, which often shines a light on why you cherish each other so much in the present.

9. Family and Friends Updates

Keeping your boyfriend in the loop about family and friends is like giving him a window to the outside world. 

Share the latest happenings, like your cousin’s new job or your best friend’s quirky pet adventures. 

It’s not just gossip; it’s keeping him connected to a community he’s temporarily away from. These stories bring a sense of normalcy and remind him that life is bustling and vibrant outside.

Encourage him to talk about his family and friends too. How are his loved ones doing? 

Any news he’s excited or concerned about? 

This back-and-forth isn’t just chit-chat; it’s a way to support each other in maintaining relationships outside your duo. 

10. Plans for Visits

Talk about when you can visit next, what you’ll do, and all the little details in between. 

This isn’t just planning; it’s building anticipation and excitement. It gives both of you something tangible to look forward to, a break from the routine.

Get creative with these plans. Maybe plan a special meal you’ll bring or a book you’ll read together. It’s about making the most of the time you have. 

This forward-looking approach keeps the spark alive and reminds you both that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how long the tunnel might seem.

[Related: “My Boyfriend And I Don’t Have Meaningful Conversations” What To Do]


happy woman and her inmate boyfriend

What Can I Talk About With My Inmate Boyfriend During Visits?

When you visit your inmate boyfriend, the key is to focus on positive and uplifting topics. 

Share updates about family and friends, or talk about any new hobby or skill you’ve been working on. It’s also great to discuss any books, movies, or TV shows you’ve enjoyed recently. 

These conversations can provide a sense of normalcy and help him feel connected to the outside world. 

Avoid sensitive topics that could be stressful or lead to negative emotions, as the goal is to make your time together as enjoyable and comforting as possible.

How Can I Keep Our Conversations Interesting Over the Phone?

To keep phone conversations interesting, try to vary the topics. 

You might discuss plans for the future, like places you’d like to visit together or goals you’re both aiming for. 

Sharing personal achievements and successes, no matter how small, can also be very uplifting. 

Ask about his experiences and encourage him to share his thoughts and feelings. Remember, the key is to maintain a two-way conversation where both of you feel heard and connected.

Are There Topics I Should Avoid Discussing With My Inmate Boyfriend?

Yes, there are certain topics best avoided to keep the conversation positive and stress-free. 

It’s generally a good idea to steer clear of discussing legal issues or details of his case, unless he brings it up and wants to talk about it. 

Also, avoid talking about anything that might make him feel more isolated or upset, like certain events or gatherings he’s missing out on. 

The aim is to keep your conversations as a source of support and positivity for both of you.

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Destiny Femi

Destiny Femi is a dating coach whose work has helped transform the love lives of countless people. With a writing style that is both insightful and relatable, Destiny has amassed a following of hundreds of thousands of readers who turn to him for advice on everything from finding the perfect partner to maintaining a healthy relationship. Through his articles he has inspired people around the world to become more confident, authentic, and successful in their dating life.

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